Friday, April 29, 2005
I was going to write something making fun of the people who rarely, if ever, update their blogs anymore, including a part about Dale that would have said "Since moving to The Couv Vancouver, Dale seems to have dropped off the face of the internet world. Which means he's probably broke and lying pitifully in an alley somewhere, being molested by homeless people." However, Dale wrote a quality post about a whole ton of random shit, so you should check it out.

Once again Alberta weather has reared its completely schizophrenic head. On Monday, I wore shorts. On Wednesday, there was snow on the ground and I had to scrape off my car before going to work. And by scrape off I mean drive with my head out the window because I was too sleepy to physically exert myself.

There are some pretty awful sounding movies coming out this summer. There's Unleashed, "Jet Li is a programmed killing machine." It's good to see he's diverse in his acting roles. Then there's The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. "Four teenage girls share a magic pair of jeans." I don't even know how to start making fun of this one, so I'll move on, to Stealth, which is described as "Josh Lucas, Jessica Biel and newly-minted Oscar winner Jamie Foxx star as fighter pilots battling a jet with a mind of its own." Okay, this sounds like a comedy, but I have this sinking feeling that it isn't. Which, if that's the case, sounds like the offical "Summer of 2005 Movie I'll Watch If I Feel Like Going On a Murderous Rampage Afterwards." Last year's recipient of this award was "Soul Plane," which I have not seen, and so hundreds of homeless people, Jack Black and Michael Moore remain alive and well (and fat, in the case of Black and Moore) today.

There are some good movies slated, though. Cinderella Man is about boxing, or something, I dunno. But it has Russell Crowe. Howl's Moving Castle is another Hayao Miyazaki movie, so that's bound to be good. Batman Begins will be awesome. Fantastic Four will be...hopefully...okay. With Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, it will be interesting to see how it stacks up against the original. And of course there's Star Wars: Episode III, which I'm not really very interested in (hell I haven't even seen Episode I or II) but might check out just to see the big Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader transformation.

Did I mention Shaun is a bastard?

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[Note: this first link is like the pinnacle of the random-link. It's got everything. Baffled scientists. Exploding toads. A pond that's been christened "The Death Pool." And of course, crows. I swear, I couldn't make up a better link.]

Exploding toads baffle scientists
Pond named "The Death Pool" by tabloids. And crows are to blame!

Do a Google image search for "news" and this is the second result.
And third is a crab, fifth is a cat dressed like a pimp, and eight is a statue with a giant ball for a head. Seriously, what the fuck?

Introducing WhirlyBall, the sport of drunks.
It's like Lacrosse, only you play drunk. On bumper cars. That don't have steering wheels.

Thursday, April 28, 2005
Top 50 Video Games: #25-21 added.

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Flesh chunks found in Iowa water lines.
"Krauel said drinking water was not affected by the blockages and is safe to drink." Oh yeah, I would be real assured. No reason to worry just because FLESH BITS are floating around in water pipes.

Shaun is a bastard.
And I would shake my fist at him in rage if I weren't shivering and huddling in this blanket.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005
:: Things said to me this weekend :: (all of which, sadly, have been said to me before)

"That is the ugliest shirt I have ever seen."

"But what do you need seventeen boxes of crackers for?"

"Okay, no, THAT is the ugliest shirt I have ever seen."

The weekend went rather smoothly, though I forgot to mention some minor escapades at Superstore. First of all we went in and my cousins each bought a video game. While they were in line, I started browsing through these giant bins of $5 DVDs, all very old and most of which I had never heard of. (Though there was The Phantom. SLAM EVIL!) I showed Chris some awful one, so awful I can't even remember the name of it, and just tossed in this empty cart nearby.

Well, turns out the cart wasn't empty, apparently I'm just blind and thought it was. Because a few minutes later (I was somewhere else by then, probably gawking at the giant orange plastic martini glasses on a display table) my cousin Chris says a man and his daughter came up to the cart and she was showing him the DVD she wanted to buy, and the conversation goes as follows:
Dad: "Okay, that sounds good. Do you want this one too? *picks up Mike's discarded random DVD* "
Girl: ", no."
Dad: "Oh. *confused look on face, as he looks at the mystery DVD, before tossing back on pile and going on his way."

...maybe that doesn't sound as funny as it was to me. Anyways the karma would come back to haunt me, for after a trying few minutes as we tried to scrounge up a loonie to get a buggy (and finally resorting to asking finished shoppers if we could buy their cart, at which point we handed over a handful of change), we made it in, and the first thing we I did was immediately spot the shelf with the afore-mentioned giant plastic martini glasses, and run off to them, leaving cousins and cart behind.

We looked at the martini glasses for a few minutes, and when we turned back the cart was gone. Stolen! Who steals a cart! *edited/deleted* *edited/deleted again* *writing re-edited, unintelligible with anger* ...okay, I can't even really describe how much this annoyed me. Maybe because it was such an ordeal getting the cart? I dunno. Moving on.

To make matters worse, for the past, oh I don't know, two months or so, I've had this uncontrollable urge for almonds. Yeah, almonds. [Editor's note: It's actually been more like four months now.] See, at Christmas the Advocate got a little can of mixed nuts from one of our advertising clients, and it ended up in my hands. I ended up eating peanuts, cashews, almonds and some other unidentifiable nuts for lunch for like a week. Ever since I have wanted almonds, but nowhere in town can you buy just almonds - just mixed nuts, and usually like a 200g little baggie for $26.

So I figured of course Superstore's giant racks of bulk stuff would have almonds! But, I thought wrong. There were no almonds except these scary looking cooking-ingredient almonds that tasted like bleach and soap. My almond hunt continues.

[Please note that while the preceding paragraphs may sound like clever references to a bad addiction to cocaine or weed, I really am just talking about almonds. Seriously, I cant' find them anywhere. The drugs I have no problem getting.]

The lack of a cart would prove to be a major problem, for transporting 17 boxes of crackers to the car, plus various canned goods and one jar of cherries, would have required way too many bags since Superstore's really freaking cheap and won't just give you bags. So I got two, for the canned stuff, figuring me and Chris would just carry the crackers. I hadn't realized that the bags Superstore gives you are made out of KLEENEX, but although they stretched ominously thin and bulged dangerously, they survived the 50m journey to the car.

I was planning on piling up the boxes of crackers and just ambling towards the exit, but two of the boxes were mysteriously torn and crumpled and falling apart. Now, this was odd because I know I avoided such boxes when grabbing them. It turns out Chris had found the button that moves the little checkout conveyer belt forward manually, and had kept pushing it, crushing these boxes against the end and demolishing the outside so they looked like they would fall apart at the first opportunity.

We eventually got everything to the car, though it required me moving the car as close as humanly possible without actually being inside the store. Translation, I parked in the fire lane. And wouldn't you know it, what was coming around the corner as me and Chris stumbled out to the car, balancing cracker boxes stacked so high we cannot see where we're going? So we threw everything in the trunk and fled as fast as possible, and thankfully, escaped un-arrested and with no loss of groceries. (That I know of.)

Holy crap, and this was just supposed to be a short post. Guess that's what happens when you're bored and at work and mightily resisting the temptation to actually do work.

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Bearcams: Teddy bears with hidden camera and microphone.
The perfect birthday present for the obsessive parent, child molester, and/or voyeur you know!

wanted,, pasion party consultants!! get paid to party and have a blast
That's it, I'm quitting my job. (Ironically, as should these people, for butchering the English language so.)

Frankly, I'm just terrified that the website address is

Tuesday, April 26, 2005
I know I said I would finish up the video games list but as one might have learned by now, I am a lazy person who promises something with the full intention to actually do what was promised and promptly forgets it two minutes later when I am sent a funny picture over MSN or the HOUSE OF WAX trailer comes on TV and I break out laughing that this is actually a cinematic step UP for Paris Hilton. Besides, I had a busy evening of eating cherries and ice cream to attend do, hampered only slightly by the fact that I mistakenly said pie instead of ice cream when talking to Jenn on MSN, and then actually came to believe that it was indeed pie I had in my kitchen and not ice cream. Also, I forgot cherries had pits, but the loud CRUNCH noise helped me quickly remember.

Nick emailed me today at work, interrupting my busy schedule of Fantasy Baseball, reading the newspaper, and perusing, to tell me that he had developed:
a) a new method of separating a mol of Carbon Dioxins from Dihydroxide Mono-Acetate-3
b) a set of goat horns sprouting from just above his ears
c) a nasty form of genital herpes
d) the power to stick to walls and shoot webbing from his wrists
e) a new nickname!

The answer of course is f) all of the above. But anyways, Nick's new nickname is ENG. While I was busy calling the Stalker Helpline and getting a restraining order issued, I read the rest of the email, which said that because he was doing a lot of pagination lately (which is journalism buzzword for "heroin") he would mark the papers he printed with an NG, so that afterwards the people proofreading it knew who to return it to. Apparently these people started calling him NG or as it sounds phonetically, ENG. This is hilarious and awesome, as I am sure it annoys him to no end.

Upper Hand: Mike (without even trying!)

* * * * *

Herd of buffalo cause a racket.

Iranian woman gives birth to frog!
A few comments. One, this is old news, but who cares. Two, headlines aren't supposed to have exclamation marks but this one was so bizarre it apparently warranted one. Three, try making up a parody headline that doesn't involve Kermit, it's impossible.

Sunday, April 24, 2005
Okay, who is this Muse group that I have NEVER, EVER HEARD OF that I am suddenly seeing everywhere? People send me their songs, my cousins recommend them, I see them on random people's blogs' "Currently Listening To"'s crazy. Apparently I've been living under a rock and they're the new coming of The Beatles or something.

I picked up Star Fox: Assault this weekend and while it will not be making the currently in-progress Top 50 Video Games list, it is a thousand times (nay, a MILLION times) better than the kick in the nuts that was Star Fox Adventures. The battle mode is a lot of fun and a big improvement over the Nintendo 64 game, but the single-player game is not anything spectacular. Good, but not exceptional.

Since Nick recently bought Burnout 3, I lived up to my end of our agreement that when he got it, I would get the online adapter so we could play against each other, where I could wreak long-distance humilation upon him from far, far away. God bless the internet.

And that was about it for this weekend.

* * * * *

Best Vin Diesel movie that will never be made.

Monkeys get wasted off booze made from marijuana and swarm village.

Friday, April 22, 2005
Bleeah, I knew I said I was going to update the Top 50 Video Games list daily, but that was before I apparently decided to write a freaking book for each one. Numbers 40-31 was 3500 words, for crying out loud. That's more than my Journalism papers were. (But not, I suppose, more than Jenn's or Ryan's would be. HAHAHA)

CLICK HERE TO READ NUMBERS 30-26. That's all I could handle doing last night, and I still didn't finish the list until 5 am.

Also, I am going to Calgary for the weekend so there likely will not be any further updates to the list until Monday, unless you're the unrealistically optimistic sort, in which case you can expect the entire list to be finished by Sunday. Also, by this time I plan to have starred in three Oscar-winning movies and have been named Captain of Canada's hockey team. (Sorry Ryan Smyth, but them's the breaks.)

* * * * *

Most horrifying breed of cat ever.
I found this link yesterday and was mad that today I couldn't find it again. Then I realized I had bookmarked it. Go me!

Shaun loves the movie "Sahara".
THEN! THEN there's Admiral Sandeckar, who is described as a short stocky balding guy in great physical shape, with a red Vandyke the movie.....WILLIAM H MACY!!!! WTF!

The UCC homepage is titled Thompson River's University and redirects to TRU's new webpage.
Which is titled Thompson Rivers University. Good communication, TRU! The humiliation continues.

1) I am hungover.  Big time.  I'm actually pretty sure I'm dying.  If I were a doctor (which I'm not, even though I occasionally tell women I meet at bars I am), I would guess that I'm already about 70% dead.
4. I was supposed to meet my friend Heather for drinks tonight.  However, due to my condition, I will not be able to do so.  Rather than be honest with her, I emailed her and told her I couldn't meet because "work is crazy".  Heather will most likely read this.  I am sorry Heather.  I am truly undeserving of your friendship, and I am a coward.  Please forgive me.  I am weak.

Woman loses her children to Children's Aid, wrongly believes neighbour called the agency, ATTACKS NEIGHBOUR WITH MACHETE AND CUTS HER HANDS OFF.
Yeah, that's a good way to convince Children's Aid that you're a good parent, alright.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Top 50 Video Games Ever, Part Two: #40-31


Monday, April 18, 2005
Here's the first part of a project I'll be doing this week, titled "The Top 50 Video Games Ever."


Sunday, April 17, 2005
A Realistic Assessment of how many 12-year-olds I could beat up before they overtook me.
"This is also assuming that my opponents are smart enough to organize themselves into a circular attack instead of coming at me one by one. If it were an individual, king-of-the-mountain battle royale, I could endlessly pummel 12-year-olds without mercy. But we're assuming at least a sixth-grade education in a marginal public school as well as some exposure to kung-fu movies, so these kids would form a circle."

* * * * *

Got rid of the skins, they were messing up the archives and the tag-board was also messed on the archives. So that's all good now. Also hopefully it'll work on all Mac computers now, Hunter, though I make no guarantees.

Coming up this week will be five days of lists! One each day. Hold me to this, or else I'll probably slack and not write squat.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005
This is a test of a new feature. Let's say I write a whole lotta junk, about a video game or something, that only a few people will find interesting.

I really like Dark Cloud 2.

Continue reading!It is a really fun game. Totally addictive though. Upon receiving the camera I must have spent like an hour running around town trying to find things to take pictures of. If you're reading this, it works!

Friday, April 08, 2005
:: Macs have ruined my Blog ::

It should come as no surprise to anyone reading this that I hold Mac computers in the lowest of regards, and actually blame them for many of the world's calamities, including hurricanes, the gulf war, and the ever-rising price of Stadium hot dogs.

Well, just today I realized another reason I dislike them. They've ruined my blog.

Usually when I'm at work I'm browsing the web or daydreaming random schemes, and I get all these terrific, kickass ideas to write about. But, since most websites load like ass on the Mac I work on, I usually don't feel up to struggling through the ordeal of navigating and posting on the ancient beast.

Oh sure, I send some people the occasional random photo or two, but for the most part when I'm finished work and get home, I've completely forgotten all my great ideas from the day. Which means no new posts. Hell I'm posting less than Al now. Well, maybe.

So I'm going to try something new for a bit. If I find something interesting I'll post about it. And if I find something else interesting, I'll edit the post and add the new thing. And so on.

* * * * *

slightly revised after it was brought to my attention that it was unnecessarily offensive

Another item of business I ranted about but then lost the enraged spark before I could put it in (blog) writing, is Terri Schiavo. People/zealots/fanatics who are acting like she's some kind of tragic martyr, she's not. It's an important issue, sure, the "right-to-die" debate, but Terri Schiavo is not some great hero.

The reason she was in that 15-year coma was because she was anorexic, and starved herself so much that she lost consciousness and her heart stopped, and she became brain damaged. When I learned that, I instantly lost all sympathy I might have had for her. It's one thing if you're in some tragic car accident, or suffer from some horrible disease, and you end up in that state. But this wasn't the case. She did it to herself.

It may sound insensitive, but if I try to hang myself and end up in her state, are people 15 years down the line really going to have to debate about whether I would want to live or not?

* * * * *

The Top 100 Things I'd Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord
46. If an advisor says to me "My liege, he is but one man. What can one man possibly do?", I will reply "This." and kill the advisor.
