Friday, April 29, 2005
I was going to write something making fun of the people who rarely, if ever, update their blogs anymore, including a part about Dale that would have said "Since moving to The Couv Vancouver, Dale seems to have dropped off the face of the internet world. Which means he's probably broke and lying pitifully in an alley somewhere, being molested by homeless people." However, Dale wrote a quality post about a whole ton of random shit, so you should check it out.

Once again Alberta weather has reared its completely schizophrenic head. On Monday, I wore shorts. On Wednesday, there was snow on the ground and I had to scrape off my car before going to work. And by scrape off I mean drive with my head out the window because I was too sleepy to physically exert myself.

There are some pretty awful sounding movies coming out this summer. There's Unleashed, "Jet Li is a programmed killing machine." It's good to see he's diverse in his acting roles. Then there's The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. "Four teenage girls share a magic pair of jeans." I don't even know how to start making fun of this one, so I'll move on, to Stealth, which is described as "Josh Lucas, Jessica Biel and newly-minted Oscar winner Jamie Foxx star as fighter pilots battling a jet with a mind of its own." Okay, this sounds like a comedy, but I have this sinking feeling that it isn't. Which, if that's the case, sounds like the offical "Summer of 2005 Movie I'll Watch If I Feel Like Going On a Murderous Rampage Afterwards." Last year's recipient of this award was "Soul Plane," which I have not seen, and so hundreds of homeless people, Jack Black and Michael Moore remain alive and well (and fat, in the case of Black and Moore) today.

There are some good movies slated, though. Cinderella Man is about boxing, or something, I dunno. But it has Russell Crowe. Howl's Moving Castle is another Hayao Miyazaki movie, so that's bound to be good. Batman Begins will be awesome. Fantastic Four will be...hopefully...okay. With Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, it will be interesting to see how it stacks up against the original. And of course there's Star Wars: Episode III, which I'm not really very interested in (hell I haven't even seen Episode I or II) but might check out just to see the big Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader transformation.

Did I mention Shaun is a bastard?

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[Note: this first link is like the pinnacle of the random-link. It's got everything. Baffled scientists. Exploding toads. A pond that's been christened "The Death Pool." And of course, crows. I swear, I couldn't make up a better link.]

Exploding toads baffle scientists
Pond named "The Death Pool" by tabloids. And crows are to blame!

Do a Google image search for "news" and this is the second result.
And third is a crab, fifth is a cat dressed like a pimp, and eight is a statue with a giant ball for a head. Seriously, what the fuck?

Introducing WhirlyBall, the sport of drunks.
It's like Lacrosse, only you play drunk. On bumper cars. That don't have steering wheels.
