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fight, rhino, hippo
"Monkey in a Wagon Versus Lemur on a Big Wheel"
rhino vs hippo

:: Macs have ruined my Blog ::
It should come as no surprise to anyone reading this that I hold Mac computers in the lowest of regards, and actually blame them for many of the world's calamities, including hurricanes, the gulf war, and the ever-rising price of Stadium hot dogs.
Well, just today I realized another reason I dislike them. They've ruined my blog.
Usually when I'm at work I'm browsing the web or daydreaming random schemes, and I get all these terrific, kickass ideas to write about. But, since most websites load like ass on the Mac I work on, I usually don't feel up to struggling through the ordeal of navigating and posting on the ancient beast.
Oh sure, I send some people the occasional random photo or two, but for the most part when I'm finished work and get home, I've completely forgotten all my great ideas from the day. Which means no new posts. Hell I'm posting less than Al now. Well, maybe.
So I'm going to try something new for a bit. If I find something interesting I'll post about it. And if I find something else interesting, I'll edit the post and add the new thing. And so on.
* * * * *
slightly revised after it was brought to my attention that it was unnecessarily offensive
Another item of business I ranted about but then lost the enraged spark before I could put it in (blog) writing, is Terri Schiavo. People/zealots/fanatics who are acting like she's some kind of tragic martyr, she's not. It's an important issue, sure, the "right-to-die" debate, but Terri Schiavo is not some great hero.
The reason she was in that 15-year coma was because she was anorexic, and starved herself so much that she lost consciousness and her heart stopped, and she became brain damaged. When I learned that, I instantly lost all sympathy I might have had for her. It's one thing if you're in some tragic car accident, or suffer from some horrible disease, and you end up in that state. But this wasn't the case. She did it to herself.
It may sound insensitive, but if I try to hang myself and end up in her state, are people 15 years down the line really going to have to debate about whether I would want to live or not?
* * * * *
The Top 100 Things I'd Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord
46. If an advisor says to me "My liege, he is but one man. What can one man possibly do?", I will reply "This." and kill the advisor.
[posted by Rades at 10:07 AM] LINK ||
It should come as no surprise to anyone reading this that I hold Mac computers in the lowest of regards, and actually blame them for many of the world's calamities, including hurricanes, the gulf war, and the ever-rising price of Stadium hot dogs.
Well, just today I realized another reason I dislike them. They've ruined my blog.
Usually when I'm at work I'm browsing the web or daydreaming random schemes, and I get all these terrific, kickass ideas to write about. But, since most websites load like ass on the Mac I work on, I usually don't feel up to struggling through the ordeal of navigating and posting on the ancient beast.
Oh sure, I send some people the occasional random photo or two, but for the most part when I'm finished work and get home, I've completely forgotten all my great ideas from the day. Which means no new posts. Hell I'm posting less than Al now. Well, maybe.
So I'm going to try something new for a bit. If I find something interesting I'll post about it. And if I find something else interesting, I'll edit the post and add the new thing. And so on.
slightly revised after it was brought to my attention that it was unnecessarily offensive
Another item of business I ranted about but then lost the enraged spark before I could put it in (blog) writing, is Terri Schiavo. People/zealots/fanatics who are acting like she's some kind of tragic martyr, she's not. It's an important issue, sure, the "right-to-die" debate, but Terri Schiavo is not some great hero.
The reason she was in that 15-year coma was because she was anorexic, and starved herself so much that she lost consciousness and her heart stopped, and she became brain damaged. When I learned that, I instantly lost all sympathy I might have had for her. It's one thing if you're in some tragic car accident, or suffer from some horrible disease, and you end up in that state. But this wasn't the case. She did it to herself.
It may sound insensitive, but if I try to hang myself and end up in her state, are people 15 years down the line really going to have to debate about whether I would want to live or not?
The Top 100 Things I'd Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord
46. If an advisor says to me "My liege, he is but one man. What can one man possibly do?", I will reply "This." and kill the advisor.
[posted by Rades at 10:07 AM] LINK ||