Tuesday, April 26, 2005
I know I said I would finish up the video games list but as one might have learned by now, I am a lazy person who promises something with the full intention to actually do what was promised and promptly forgets it two minutes later when I am sent a funny picture over MSN or the HOUSE OF WAX trailer comes on TV and I break out laughing that this is actually a cinematic step UP for Paris Hilton. Besides, I had a busy evening of eating cherries and ice cream to attend do, hampered only slightly by the fact that I mistakenly said pie instead of ice cream when talking to Jenn on MSN, and then actually came to believe that it was indeed pie I had in my kitchen and not ice cream. Also, I forgot cherries had pits, but the loud CRUNCH noise helped me quickly remember.

Nick emailed me today at work, interrupting my busy schedule of Fantasy Baseball, reading the newspaper, and perusing Amazon.com, to tell me that he had developed:
a) a new method of separating a mol of Carbon Dioxins from Dihydroxide Mono-Acetate-3
b) a set of goat horns sprouting from just above his ears
c) a nasty form of genital herpes
d) the power to stick to walls and shoot webbing from his wrists
e) a new nickname!

The answer of course is f) all of the above. But anyways, Nick's new nickname is ENG. While I was busy calling the Stalker Helpline and getting a restraining order issued, I read the rest of the email, which said that because he was doing a lot of pagination lately (which is journalism buzzword for "heroin") he would mark the papers he printed with an NG, so that afterwards the people proofreading it knew who to return it to. Apparently these people started calling him NG or as it sounds phonetically, ENG. This is hilarious and awesome, as I am sure it annoys him to no end.

Upper Hand: Mike (without even trying!)

* * * * *

Herd of buffalo cause a racket.

Iranian woman gives birth to frog!
A few comments. One, this is old news, but who cares. Two, headlines aren't supposed to have exclamation marks but this one was so bizarre it apparently warranted one. Three, try making up a parody headline that doesn't involve Kermit, it's impossible.
