Old Archives (before 2005)
Search Engine Hall of Fame
transformers whos side are you on octopus or megatron
cane toad cannons
rhino vs hippo video
You're fucking infuriating about me.
TELUS sweatshops
stomping cane toads
dirt on trevor linden
Gangsta Rap baseball cap pictures
jim rome lunch with the monkey
what is pirateism
trevor linden has a girlfriend?
what is the name of old movie where the midas touch turns everything to shit
"fat cat falling"
why do geriatric cats moan?
wolfpack gangsta rap group
fight, rhino, hippo
"Monkey in a Wagon Versus Lemur on a Big Wheel"
rhino vs hippo

Okay, who is this Muse group that I have NEVER, EVER HEARD OF that I am suddenly seeing everywhere? People send me their songs, my cousins recommend them, I see them on random people's blogs' "Currently Listening To" playlists...it's crazy. Apparently I've been living under a rock and they're the new coming of The Beatles or something.
I picked up Star Fox: Assault this weekend and while it will not be making the currently in-progress Top 50 Video Games list, it is a thousand times (nay, a MILLION times) better than the kick in the nuts that was Star Fox Adventures. The battle mode is a lot of fun and a big improvement over the Nintendo 64 game, but the single-player game is not anything spectacular. Good, but not exceptional.
Since Nick recently bought Burnout 3, I lived up to my end of our agreement that when he got it, I would get the online adapter so we could play against each other, where I could wreak long-distance humilation upon him from far, far away. God bless the internet.
And that was about it for this weekend.
* * * * *
Best Vin Diesel movie that will never be made.
Monkeys get wasted off booze made from marijuana and swarm village.
[posted by Rades at 9:10 PM] LINK ||
I picked up Star Fox: Assault this weekend and while it will not be making the currently in-progress Top 50 Video Games list, it is a thousand times (nay, a MILLION times) better than the kick in the nuts that was Star Fox Adventures. The battle mode is a lot of fun and a big improvement over the Nintendo 64 game, but the single-player game is not anything spectacular. Good, but not exceptional.
Since Nick recently bought Burnout 3, I lived up to my end of our agreement that when he got it, I would get the online adapter so we could play against each other, where I could wreak long-distance humilation upon him from far, far away. God bless the internet.
And that was about it for this weekend.
Best Vin Diesel movie that will never be made.
Monkeys get wasted off booze made from marijuana and swarm village.
[posted by Rades at 9:10 PM] LINK ||