Sunday, April 24, 2005
Okay, who is this Muse group that I have NEVER, EVER HEARD OF that I am suddenly seeing everywhere? People send me their songs, my cousins recommend them, I see them on random people's blogs' "Currently Listening To"'s crazy. Apparently I've been living under a rock and they're the new coming of The Beatles or something.

I picked up Star Fox: Assault this weekend and while it will not be making the currently in-progress Top 50 Video Games list, it is a thousand times (nay, a MILLION times) better than the kick in the nuts that was Star Fox Adventures. The battle mode is a lot of fun and a big improvement over the Nintendo 64 game, but the single-player game is not anything spectacular. Good, but not exceptional.

Since Nick recently bought Burnout 3, I lived up to my end of our agreement that when he got it, I would get the online adapter so we could play against each other, where I could wreak long-distance humilation upon him from far, far away. God bless the internet.

And that was about it for this weekend.

* * * * *

Best Vin Diesel movie that will never be made.

Monkeys get wasted off booze made from marijuana and swarm village.
