Friday, April 22, 2005
Bleeah, I knew I said I was going to update the Top 50 Video Games list daily, but that was before I apparently decided to write a freaking book for each one. Numbers 40-31 was 3500 words, for crying out loud. That's more than my Journalism papers were. (But not, I suppose, more than Jenn's or Ryan's would be. HAHAHA)

CLICK HERE TO READ NUMBERS 30-26. That's all I could handle doing last night, and I still didn't finish the list until 5 am.

Also, I am going to Calgary for the weekend so there likely will not be any further updates to the list until Monday, unless you're the unrealistically optimistic sort, in which case you can expect the entire list to be finished by Sunday. Also, by this time I plan to have starred in three Oscar-winning movies and have been named Captain of Canada's hockey team. (Sorry Ryan Smyth, but them's the breaks.)

* * * * *

Most horrifying breed of cat ever.
I found this link yesterday and was mad that today I couldn't find it again. Then I realized I had bookmarked it. Go me!

Shaun loves the movie "Sahara".
THEN! THEN there's Admiral Sandeckar, who is described as a short stocky balding guy in great physical shape, with a red Vandyke the movie.....WILLIAM H MACY!!!! WTF!

The UCC homepage is titled Thompson River's University and redirects to TRU's new webpage.
Which is titled Thompson Rivers University. Good communication, TRU! The humiliation continues.

1) I am hungover.  Big time.  I'm actually pretty sure I'm dying.  If I were a doctor (which I'm not, even though I occasionally tell women I meet at bars I am), I would guess that I'm already about 70% dead.
4. I was supposed to meet my friend Heather for drinks tonight.  However, due to my condition, I will not be able to do so.  Rather than be honest with her, I emailed her and told her I couldn't meet because "work is crazy".  Heather will most likely read this.  I am sorry Heather.  I am truly undeserving of your friendship, and I am a coward.  Please forgive me.  I am weak.

Woman loses her children to Children's Aid, wrongly believes neighbour called the agency, ATTACKS NEIGHBOUR WITH MACHETE AND CUTS HER HANDS OFF.
Yeah, that's a good way to convince Children's Aid that you're a good parent, alright.
