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Search Engine Hall of Fame
transformers whos side are you on octopus or megatron
cane toad cannons
rhino vs hippo video
You're fucking infuriating about me.
TELUS sweatshops
stomping cane toads
dirt on trevor linden
Gangsta Rap baseball cap pictures
jim rome lunch with the monkey
what is pirateism
trevor linden has a girlfriend?
what is the name of old movie where the midas touch turns everything to shit
"fat cat falling"
why do geriatric cats moan?
wolfpack gangsta rap group
fight, rhino, hippo
"Monkey in a Wagon Versus Lemur on a Big Wheel"
rhino vs hippo

So like I said yesterday, this weekend in Calgary was an interesting one. Me and Shaun blew around on Sunday just wandering and walking around, until we came upon a mysterious glowing green rock embedded in the dirt. Shaun dug it out and all of a sudden - bam! Two Shauns! We were baffled, to say the least, but then quickly began thinking up schemes we could use Shaun's two-faced nature to our advantage. More on our utilization of the twilight zone stone tomorrow.
(click on the picture for larger version)
[posted by Rades at 11:32 PM] LINK ||
(click on the picture for larger version)

[posted by Rades at 11:32 PM] LINK ||
Quick highlights of today:
- Me waking up Shaun in the morning by slamming the hotel door, hateful stare shot my way
- Shaun driving with his window open and a passing car spashing mud onto him
- Shaun driving out of mall parking lot only to get stuck behind some dumbass pushing his shopping cart up our driving lane...once we finally swerve around him, then he moves up onto the sidewalk
- Shaun getting caught on the automatic door at A&B Sound, and then wedged as the door shuts on him
- Me laughing at Shaun repeatedly during the above events
That's all for tonight, but tomorrow I'll write a bit more about the weekend and post pictures, including pictures of when we figured out how to clone and giganticize Shaun! Tune in.
[posted by Rades at 9:38 PM] LINK ||
- Me waking up Shaun in the morning by slamming the hotel door, hateful stare shot my way
- Shaun driving with his window open and a passing car spashing mud onto him
- Shaun driving out of mall parking lot only to get stuck behind some dumbass pushing his shopping cart up our driving lane...once we finally swerve around him, then he moves up onto the sidewalk
- Shaun getting caught on the automatic door at A&B Sound, and then wedged as the door shuts on him
- Me laughing at Shaun repeatedly during the above events
That's all for tonight, but tomorrow I'll write a bit more about the weekend and post pictures, including pictures of when we figured out how to clone and giganticize Shaun! Tune in.
[posted by Rades at 9:38 PM] LINK ||
Back when I was in Portugal, I told Vannie, my roommate, how great it would be if, just once, we awoke to birds chirping and the sun shining in the windows, and not the irregular, heavy breathing of the man/bull/monstrosity named Harge next door. Vannie looked out the window, looked back at me and said "Who the fuck are you?" But that's what happens when you're high on powdered bleach.
As mentioned previously, I'm headed to Calgary this weekend for a Bowes newspaper-people conference. Called a SYMPOSIUM, which, while I have no real idea what this actually indicates, sounds pretty fancy. Shaun's going to join me sometime over the weekend, and while I am sorely tempted to bring a) Frank Papp columns and attend the "Editorial writing/critiquing workshop"; b) the orange tie; and c) Daily Deco copies, I decided to leave all three such items behind in a moment of just plain common sense.
[posted by Rades at 11:37 AM] LINK ||
As mentioned previously, I'm headed to Calgary this weekend for a Bowes newspaper-people conference. Called a SYMPOSIUM, which, while I have no real idea what this actually indicates, sounds pretty fancy. Shaun's going to join me sometime over the weekend, and while I am sorely tempted to bring a) Frank Papp columns and attend the "Editorial writing/critiquing workshop"; b) the orange tie; and c) Daily Deco copies, I decided to leave all three such items behind in a moment of just plain common sense.
[posted by Rades at 11:37 AM] LINK ||

HOLY CRAP! I was surfing around and made the random discovery that Tim Burton has a new movie coming out. Me: Oh that's cool, nice. Then I found out it's Stop-Motion animation, like Nightmare before Christmas. Oh nice! Then I found out it's all creepy and shadowy and stuff (it's called The Corpse Bride) and it's a Halloween type movie,also like Nightmare! OH NICE! THEN I found out, IT'S STARRING JOHNNY DEPP.
The story is based on a Russian folk tale about a young man who is traveling to marry his fiance, and along the way, puts her ring on a stick on the ground and does the traditional little marriage ceremony, in jest. Turns out the stick is the finger bone of a corpse girl, who resurrects and states that they are now married, and spirits the man away to the underworld. Ah those crazy Russians.
Screencaps of the movie's trailer can be viewed here, and I must say they look SHARP. I cannot wait for this movie to come out. It has immediately jumped, no, ROCKET BLASTED to the top of my anticipation list for 2005, shattering and burning its would-be competition with its powerful flames of greatness, meanwhile releasing little flares that spiral down from the sky and are detonating on the excitement sectors of my brain, triggering neural overloads that even now threaten to reduce me to a quivering, drooling mass upon the floor.
Edit: Oh my. Toy rights for the movie have been grabbed by none other than McFarlane Toys, who does the most detailed, intricate, and often absolutely creepy toys ever. HOW MUCH BETTER CAN THIS GET?
[posted by Rades at 9:39 AM] LINK ||

HOLY CRAP! I was surfing around and made the random discovery that Tim Burton has a new movie coming out. Me: Oh that's cool, nice. Then I found out it's Stop-Motion animation, like Nightmare before Christmas. Oh nice! Then I found out it's all creepy and shadowy and stuff (it's called The Corpse Bride) and it's a Halloween type movie,also like Nightmare! OH NICE! THEN I found out, IT'S STARRING JOHNNY DEPP.
OH NICE!!!!!!
(oh yeah!)The story is based on a Russian folk tale about a young man who is traveling to marry his fiance, and along the way, puts her ring on a stick on the ground and does the traditional little marriage ceremony, in jest. Turns out the stick is the finger bone of a corpse girl, who resurrects and states that they are now married, and spirits the man away to the underworld. Ah those crazy Russians.
Screencaps of the movie's trailer can be viewed here, and I must say they look SHARP. I cannot wait for this movie to come out. It has immediately jumped, no, ROCKET BLASTED to the top of my anticipation list for 2005, shattering and burning its would-be competition with its powerful flames of greatness, meanwhile releasing little flares that spiral down from the sky and are detonating on the excitement sectors of my brain, triggering neural overloads that even now threaten to reduce me to a quivering, drooling mass upon the floor.
Edit: Oh my. Toy rights for the movie have been grabbed by none other than McFarlane Toys, who does the most detailed, intricate, and often absolutely creepy toys ever. HOW MUCH BETTER CAN THIS GET?
[posted by Rades at 9:39 AM] LINK ||
Today it's Mitch's birthday! Here's a recent picture of this artist/musician/swimming pool repairman.
[posted by Rades at 11:57 PM] LINK ||

[posted by Rades at 11:57 PM] LINK ||
:: Keith ::
Okay, Shaun got some random comment on his blog from somebody named Keith, and the comment makes NO SENSE AT ALL, so we went to check out Keith's blog. Turns out it's fucking hilarious so we're both placing Keith on our links. The first entry we both read was as follows:
I stood in my kitchen (The Galley) frying potatoes in salt, pepper, crushed red pepper, and oregano when my heart skips a beat - Roommate #2 left his computer on and his playlist hit upon a Postal Service song.
I exhaled - steam came out of my nostrils. Channeling the fury of long-dead Polynesian volcano gods I charged through both walls of Roommate #1's bedroom, his bathroom, and splintered #2's desk upon crashing into his hovel.
I faced the offending device directly. Subwoofer for a face and satellite speakers as Mickey Mouse ears, I reached into his computer and pulled out its very heart. I bit fearlessly into silicon wafers and aluminum transistors. My teeth, I keep them filed to points, shattered the processor into a hundred jagged pieces.
My gums bleed with proud, satisfied fury.
Keith is funny, go read Keith.
Edit: Okay, Shaun says it better.
[posted by Rades at 5:14 PM] LINK ||
Okay, Shaun got some random comment on his blog from somebody named Keith, and the comment makes NO SENSE AT ALL, so we went to check out Keith's blog. Turns out it's fucking hilarious so we're both placing Keith on our links. The first entry we both read was as follows:
I stood in my kitchen (The Galley) frying potatoes in salt, pepper, crushed red pepper, and oregano when my heart skips a beat - Roommate #2 left his computer on and his playlist hit upon a Postal Service song.
I exhaled - steam came out of my nostrils. Channeling the fury of long-dead Polynesian volcano gods I charged through both walls of Roommate #1's bedroom, his bathroom, and splintered #2's desk upon crashing into his hovel.
I faced the offending device directly. Subwoofer for a face and satellite speakers as Mickey Mouse ears, I reached into his computer and pulled out its very heart. I bit fearlessly into silicon wafers and aluminum transistors. My teeth, I keep them filed to points, shattered the processor into a hundred jagged pieces.
My gums bleed with proud, satisfied fury.
Keith is funny, go read Keith.
Edit: Okay, Shaun says it better.
[posted by Rades at 5:14 PM] LINK ||
Okay I've been working all day logging the various quotes and MSN convos I have saved for the Pure Genius section. I've also spent most of the day laughing helplessly at the sheer ludicrous nature of 90% of said convos.
In other news though JENN HAS FINALLY MADE HER BLOG! After four years of nagging. lol. Anyways it can be found at http://jenninerd.blogspot.com and in my links section.
[posted by Rades at 11:59 PM] LINK ||
In other news though JENN HAS FINALLY MADE HER BLOG! After four years of nagging. lol. Anyways it can be found at http://jenninerd.blogspot.com and in my links section.

[posted by Rades at 11:59 PM] LINK ||
I just found a hilarious daily-deco-like online site called Smooth Operator. Here's an excerpt from one of its articles, whose headline is "Stranded man survives off of toner and ink cartridges".
After thirty hours trapped in the woods, local authorities located Doug, who was now naked and performing a medley of Celine Deon hits. He was arrested for illegal dumping of hazardous materials and taken to the local police station where he was placed in a feecees covered room and denied any bathroom privileges. He died shortly afterward, presumably from either consuming all the toner and ink or from the escaped circus tiger that had accidentally been placed in the room with him.
"Doug had a blood-toner level of .3," said Officer Dan Shepard. "This is over three times the legal limit and twice what we use to put down rogue Gorillas. He was also eaten by a tiger, which could have been a factor in his death as well."
[posted by Rades at 4:20 AM] LINK ||
After thirty hours trapped in the woods, local authorities located Doug, who was now naked and performing a medley of Celine Deon hits. He was arrested for illegal dumping of hazardous materials and taken to the local police station where he was placed in a feecees covered room and denied any bathroom privileges. He died shortly afterward, presumably from either consuming all the toner and ink or from the escaped circus tiger that had accidentally been placed in the room with him.
"Doug had a blood-toner level of .3," said Officer Dan Shepard. "This is over three times the legal limit and twice what we use to put down rogue Gorillas. He was also eaten by a tiger, which could have been a factor in his death as well."
[posted by Rades at 4:20 AM] LINK ||
I made pancakes today. Shaun was skeptical about the pancake mix, because you just had to combine the mix and water. But they turned out fine. The only odd thing was this is what it said on the box:

But it only made two pancakes! (albeit very tasty pancakes)

Shaun said they look like chicken. However, I believe he's just jealous because he doesn't have pancakes. (OR WAFFLES)
[posted by Rades at 4:35 PM] LINK ||

But it only made two pancakes! (albeit very tasty pancakes)

Shaun said they look like chicken. However, I believe he's just jealous because he doesn't have pancakes. (OR WAFFLES)
[posted by Rades at 4:35 PM] LINK ||
Today marks the first Allnighter I have pulled in 2005 (or in quite a while at all, for that matter.) But unlike Jenn last semester, who pulled countless allnighters doing actual work, I spent this one...well, just kinda wasting time. I fell asleep for an hour or two last night after dinner, then woke up and starting doing stuff. Next thing I knew it was 3 am. I figured I could get four or five hours of sleep and be groggy for work...or just stay up. Hell, I've got nothing to do later on today. I figure I'll just crash whenever and enjoy the luxury of an obligation-free weekend.
[posted by Rades at 9:00 AM] LINK ||
[posted by Rades at 9:00 AM] LINK ||
It's true, it's true. Shaun has started a new blog, which can be located at http://kingbuffalo.blogspot.com so everyone reading this should immediately head over there to check it out.
[posted by Rades at 6:24 PM] LINK ||
It's true, it's true. Shaun has started a new blog, which can be located at http://kingbuffalo.blogspot.com so everyone reading this should immediately head over there to check it out.
[posted by Rades at 6:24 PM] LINK ||
The archives of the old blog (version 2) are now online, and accessible through the link on the sidebar. Right now the pictures won't work (since everything's been changed over), but I will go through them later and duplicate the pics so they appear again. Unfortunately the comments from these blogs are all gone. I went to check to see if I could implement them again but apparently they have vanished. Oh well.
In other news, it was a year ago (approximately) that the Omega crew went to Newfoundland. This year's staff just left today for the 2005 CUP Conference, which is in Edmonton. (I toyed with the idea of going up there and "crashing" it but figured it wasn't worth the long trip.) Just like last year, Dave Gracey has begun his (mock) role as horrible rapist...but where Silv was the victim last year, this year it's Dale.
In the spirit of CUP, here's a excerpt from a post last January:
Chris, CUP Organizer: "We have people here from St. John's all the way across to Victoria and from Prince George. So it's great to see every.....(interupted)"
Al: "PRINCE GEORRRRGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! (he yells out in front of 75 people)"
Chris, CUP Organizer: "Uhhh, yeah, Prince George??"
What's kind of ironic is that Bowes is having its annual Symposium (which is like a conference, I guess) in Calgary next weekend that any Bowes staff can go to. It's free meals, seminars, entertainment, hotel accommodations etc. for the weekend. Oh and one more thing - FREE BOOZE. It's just like CUP last year! (though I probably won't be sneaking beer into the banquets this time)
[posted by Rades at 11:53 PM] LINK ||
In other news, it was a year ago (approximately) that the Omega crew went to Newfoundland. This year's staff just left today for the 2005 CUP Conference, which is in Edmonton. (I toyed with the idea of going up there and "crashing" it but figured it wasn't worth the long trip.) Just like last year, Dave Gracey has begun his (mock) role as horrible rapist...but where Silv was the victim last year, this year it's Dale.
In the spirit of CUP, here's a excerpt from a post last January:
Chris, CUP Organizer: "We have people here from St. John's all the way across to Victoria and from Prince George. So it's great to see every.....(interupted)"
Al: "PRINCE GEORRRRGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! (he yells out in front of 75 people)"
Chris, CUP Organizer: "Uhhh, yeah, Prince George??"
What's kind of ironic is that Bowes is having its annual Symposium (which is like a conference, I guess) in Calgary next weekend that any Bowes staff can go to. It's free meals, seminars, entertainment, hotel accommodations etc. for the weekend. Oh and one more thing - FREE BOOZE. It's just like CUP last year! (though I probably won't be sneaking beer into the banquets this time)
[posted by Rades at 11:53 PM] LINK ||
This weekend was low-key but enjoyable. I went into Calgary for Shaun's birthday, for which we comandeered his aunt's old house (the one we stayed at last time), bought ourself a weekend worth of horribly unhealthy food and rented some stuff and basically did nothing for 48 hours. We did do a bit of shopping on Saturday, and by we I mean I, and by shopping I mean blew lots of money in my usual Calgary fashion. I picked up the new Zelda game for Gameboy Advance because, well, there is no real good reason. I also grabbed Volume 2 of Space Ghost: Coast to Coast, and one of my favorite movies, Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker. No, I'm not twelve years old, I just like to live like one.
The fridge at the old place didn't work (which was a step UP from last time, when an unsuspecting Shaun opened it and released what had to be completely poisonous/toxic fumes into the house), so we dumped a bunch of snow in the sink and stuck pop and stuff in there. We had no container to grab snow except for the fridge's crisper trays, so we used those.

It was refreshingly warm this weekend, which meant we did not freeze upon taking a step outside. It was still cold enough however so that Shaun's car, Esther, would frost up and freeze ON THE INSIDE. Every time we got into the car we had to scrape the INSIDE of the windows. This baffling pattern led to Esther's renaming to "Esther the Frigid Bitch."
More fun with Shaun's aunt's cat, Opus, who we lovingly refer to as Dopus. Dopus has the interesting tendency to expel bodily fluids and waste at random. Last week I was talking to Shaun on Msn when Dopus entered his computer room, walked to the middle of the room, and proceeded to shit all over the floor. Shaun proceeded to yell in disbelief, to which Opus replied to by puking all over the floor. He then walked the two extra feet to his kitty box and peed. Anyways, apparently this weekend Opus just starting bleeding. We did not ask from where, but entertained colorful mental pictures of his every pore erupting in blood, or perhaps just leaving this bloody, streaking trail across the house.
Of course, it'd probably end up all in Shaun's bed. Just because Dopus loves him so much.
[posted by Rades at 9:47 PM] LINK ||
The fridge at the old place didn't work (which was a step UP from last time, when an unsuspecting Shaun opened it and released what had to be completely poisonous/toxic fumes into the house), so we dumped a bunch of snow in the sink and stuck pop and stuff in there. We had no container to grab snow except for the fridge's crisper trays, so we used those.

It was refreshingly warm this weekend, which meant we did not freeze upon taking a step outside. It was still cold enough however so that Shaun's car, Esther, would frost up and freeze ON THE INSIDE. Every time we got into the car we had to scrape the INSIDE of the windows. This baffling pattern led to Esther's renaming to "Esther the Frigid Bitch."
More fun with Shaun's aunt's cat, Opus, who we lovingly refer to as Dopus. Dopus has the interesting tendency to expel bodily fluids and waste at random. Last week I was talking to Shaun on Msn when Dopus entered his computer room, walked to the middle of the room, and proceeded to shit all over the floor. Shaun proceeded to yell in disbelief, to which Opus replied to by puking all over the floor. He then walked the two extra feet to his kitty box and peed. Anyways, apparently this weekend Opus just starting bleeding. We did not ask from where, but entertained colorful mental pictures of his every pore erupting in blood, or perhaps just leaving this bloody, streaking trail across the house.
Of course, it'd probably end up all in Shaun's bed. Just because Dopus loves him so much.
[posted by Rades at 9:47 PM] LINK ||
I was bored at work today and was randomly surfing around, and somehow ended up at this horror movie reviews site, where I read reviews of Saw, the Machinist, and Shaun of the Dead. However, I ended up following some link to a review of a horrible ultra-gore campy movie called Wizard of Gore. I admit I clicked the link to read about it from its name alone. And the wizard's name is MONTAG! Funny name.
But then I got reading about the director's other film credits (he made his shows in the 60's, pre horror/gore movie era) and found out he did a sequel in 2002, Blood Feast 2: All U Can Eat (yes it's a sequel...to his first "hit," the original Blood Feast). Anyways I guess it's just a horribly campy bad/good (depending on how you like campy movies) gorefest. An interesting thing I found out when I looked up BF2 on IMDB.com was the female characters in the movie...well, their names are Bambi, Brandi, Tiffani, Misti, Laci, Trixi, and Candi.
[posted by Rades at 12:37 PM] LINK ||
But then I got reading about the director's other film credits (he made his shows in the 60's, pre horror/gore movie era) and found out he did a sequel in 2002, Blood Feast 2: All U Can Eat (yes it's a sequel...to his first "hit," the original Blood Feast). Anyways I guess it's just a horribly campy bad/good (depending on how you like campy movies) gorefest. An interesting thing I found out when I looked up BF2 on IMDB.com was the female characters in the movie...well, their names are Bambi, Brandi, Tiffani, Misti, Laci, Trixi, and Candi.
[posted by Rades at 12:37 PM] LINK ||
Two pairs of pants, a shirt, two hoodies, a coat, and a winter coat.
What's this? Well, it could be what I'm bringing for clothes this weekend when I go to Calgary for Shaun's birthday. Sadly however, it's what I wore to work today so that I might survive the icy five-block walk of frozen doom.
I decided to toy around with the look and get the site looking 90% accurate in Firefox. The important thing is everything fits where it is supposed to go - it's just a pixel or two off depending on what browser you're in. Good enough. The only test left now is how it works on a Mac, which I will check tomorrow.
Also I got the Archive system going but it looks like crap, but I don't know how to fix it right now. It works though, which is the important thing.
Hey, anyone who's familiar with the anime show Dragon Ball Z, look at this dude.
[posted by Rades at 10:58 PM] LINK ||
What's this? Well, it could be what I'm bringing for clothes this weekend when I go to Calgary for Shaun's birthday. Sadly however, it's what I wore to work today so that I might survive the icy five-block walk of frozen doom.
I decided to toy around with the look and get the site looking 90% accurate in Firefox. The important thing is everything fits where it is supposed to go - it's just a pixel or two off depending on what browser you're in. Good enough. The only test left now is how it works on a Mac, which I will check tomorrow.
Also I got the Archive system going but it looks like crap, but I don't know how to fix it right now. It works though, which is the important thing.
Hey, anyone who's familiar with the anime show Dragon Ball Z, look at this dude.
[posted by Rades at 10:58 PM] LINK ||
I got to miss the morning of work today. Normally this would be a good great thing, except the reason is that it's -37° outside, the roads are closed, the schools are closed, and the wind is picking up stray people and large tractors and hurling them around the barren streets.
[posted by Rades at 7:56 AM] LINK ||

[posted by Rades at 7:56 AM] LINK ||
It's Jay's birthday today! You might recognize him as this guy:
[posted by Rades at 5:17 PM] LINK ||

[posted by Rades at 5:17 PM] LINK ||
And look what else is back - the horribly out-of-context quotes!
"It's like a pee explosion in my mouth!" [shaun, who meant "pea" and not "pee]
(at least, I hope he meant "pea")
"Peeing is the universe to me, the universe to me!!" [jenn]
[posted by Rades at 12:17 AM] LINK ||
"It's like a pee explosion in my mouth!" [shaun, who meant "pea" and not "pee]
(at least, I hope he meant "pea")
"Peeing is the universe to me, the universe to me!!" [jenn]
[posted by Rades at 12:17 AM] LINK ||
Well Nick I told you I'd get it done this weekend. Because I'm way too damn tired to post a meaningful blog, here's a short rundown:
- Tagboard is back, to the right.
- Links have been moved off the sidebar so that now the only things there are the tagboard and archives. The previous blog's archives will be added later.
- Comments should work like usual on blog entries.
And the links at top, in order:
- Links: eventually I'll format this to fit the new design. Just miscellaneous links. (For more my usage than anyone else's, I think.)
- Picture: The picture section will be coming back soon.
- Pure Genius: A new section! Here will be funny quotes or excerpts from memorable Messenger conversations.
- About: About me. Will be up sometime.
- SKINS!! There are customizable skins. Play around with them and choose the one you most prefer. I will probably be adding more in the future.
As is always the case with a new design, if you spot anything that doesn't work, let me know. However, if you are using Firefox...well, deal with it. I know full well it doesn't work AT ALL in Firefox. I will probably throw together a minimalist skin that will work in Firefox.
Oh, and because I like mocking Dale, I too can be politically minded, and have added a Terror Alert Level color bar.
[posted by Rades at 11:59 PM] LINK ||
- Tagboard is back, to the right.
- Links have been moved off the sidebar so that now the only things there are the tagboard and archives. The previous blog's archives will be added later.
- Comments should work like usual on blog entries.
And the links at top, in order:
- Links: eventually I'll format this to fit the new design. Just miscellaneous links. (For more my usage than anyone else's, I think.)
- Picture: The picture section will be coming back soon.
- Pure Genius: A new section! Here will be funny quotes or excerpts from memorable Messenger conversations.
- About: About me. Will be up sometime.
- SKINS!! There are customizable skins. Play around with them and choose the one you most prefer. I will probably be adding more in the future.
As is always the case with a new design, if you spot anything that doesn't work, let me know. However, if you are using Firefox...well, deal with it. I know full well it doesn't work AT ALL in Firefox. I will probably throw together a minimalist skin that will work in Firefox.
Oh, and because I like mocking Dale, I too can be politically minded, and have added a Terror Alert Level color bar.
[posted by Rades at 11:59 PM] LINK ||