Monday, January 24, 2005
:: Keith ::

Okay, Shaun got some random comment on his blog from somebody named Keith, and the comment makes NO SENSE AT ALL, so we went to check out Keith's blog. Turns out it's fucking hilarious so we're both placing Keith on our links. The first entry we both read was as follows:

I stood in my kitchen (The Galley) frying potatoes in salt, pepper, crushed red pepper, and oregano when my heart skips a beat - Roommate #2 left his computer on and his playlist hit upon a Postal Service song.

I exhaled - steam came out of my nostrils. Channeling the fury of long-dead Polynesian volcano gods I charged through both walls of Roommate #1's bedroom, his bathroom, and splintered #2's desk upon crashing into his hovel.

I faced the offending device directly. Subwoofer for a face and satellite speakers as Mickey Mouse ears, I reached into his computer and pulled out its very heart. I bit fearlessly into silicon wafers and aluminum transistors. My teeth, I keep them filed to points, shattered the processor into a hundred jagged pieces.

My gums bleed with proud, satisfied fury.

Keith is funny, go read Keith.

Edit: Okay, Shaun says it better.
