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I was bored at work today and was randomly surfing around, and somehow ended up at this horror movie reviews site, where I read reviews of Saw, the Machinist, and Shaun of the Dead. However, I ended up following some link to a review of a horrible ultra-gore campy movie called Wizard of Gore. I admit I clicked the link to read about it from its name alone. And the wizard's name is MONTAG! Funny name.
But then I got reading about the director's other film credits (he made his shows in the 60's, pre horror/gore movie era) and found out he did a sequel in 2002, Blood Feast 2: All U Can Eat (yes it's a sequel...to his first "hit," the original Blood Feast). Anyways I guess it's just a horribly campy bad/good (depending on how you like campy movies) gorefest. An interesting thing I found out when I looked up BF2 on IMDB.com was the female characters in the movie...well, their names are Bambi, Brandi, Tiffani, Misti, Laci, Trixi, and Candi.
[posted by Rades at 12:37 PM] LINK ||
But then I got reading about the director's other film credits (he made his shows in the 60's, pre horror/gore movie era) and found out he did a sequel in 2002, Blood Feast 2: All U Can Eat (yes it's a sequel...to his first "hit," the original Blood Feast). Anyways I guess it's just a horribly campy bad/good (depending on how you like campy movies) gorefest. An interesting thing I found out when I looked up BF2 on IMDB.com was the female characters in the movie...well, their names are Bambi, Brandi, Tiffani, Misti, Laci, Trixi, and Candi.
[posted by Rades at 12:37 PM] LINK ||