Friday, January 28, 2005
Back when I was in Portugal, I told Vannie, my roommate, how great it would be if, just once, we awoke to birds chirping and the sun shining in the windows, and not the irregular, heavy breathing of the man/bull/monstrosity named Harge next door. Vannie looked out the window, looked back at me and said "Who the fuck are you?" But that's what happens when you're high on powdered bleach.

As mentioned previously, I'm headed to Calgary this weekend for a Bowes newspaper-people conference. Called a SYMPOSIUM, which, while I have no real idea what this actually indicates, sounds pretty fancy. Shaun's going to join me sometime over the weekend, and while I am sorely tempted to bring a) Frank Papp columns and attend the "Editorial writing/critiquing workshop"; b) the orange tie; and c) Daily Deco copies, I decided to leave all three such items behind in a moment of just plain common sense.
