Thursday, June 30, 2005
Well, Nick's been whining like rotten pond scum he is, telling me to write something. And since it's 4 am, I'm going to do the only thing I can - take the easy way out. I've been logging old MSN convos, as many of you know, to put on the web (someday). So here's a random selection of a few of them, from 2004.

[april 24]
shaun: hey i got a gmail invite too
shaun: i just want to think of a good name first
mike: go with vico
mike: or TROGDOR
shaun: no no
mike: lol
shaun: toodamntall
shaun: i'm thinking i might go with snevar
shaun: or you'reaftermyrobotbee

[april 25]
mike: tell her to drive herself then
shaun: she doesn't have a car dude
mike: i know
mike: that's the point
shaun: i should
shaun: drive yourself....TO HELL

[april 25]
mike: jenn's gonna drive
shaun: so i hear
shaun: but she might kill us
jenn: it's well worth the risk!
jenn: the camry is like a LIMO!
shaun: wait as long as Mike and I are drunk we'll survive
mike: yeah everyone else will end up impaled all over the place
jenn: yes if your body is drunk it will be loose and you will only skid across the ground
mike: or bounce!
jenn: you'll be finnnne
jenn: yeah!
jenn: maybe just go *SPLOT* and come to rest, all fine-like
mike: SPLOT
jenn: SPLOT
shaun: Sploosh
shaun: i hit the water instead of the road
jenn: who wants a slurpee
jenn: i want a slurpee
shaun: i want a squishee
mike: i want ice cream

[april 26]
shaun: so enjoy the movie?
mike: fucking jack black
shaun: lol
shaun: i hate my dog

[april 26]
dale: man chainsaws are soooooo fucking cool
dale: my ninja name is ded lee ninja
dale: or chainsaw ninja

[may 2]
mike: hey i'm moving to vulcan alberta haha
ed: what are you doing there?
mike: working at the newspaper there
ed: (reads site about vulcan) oh my god.. freak town
mike: haha
ed: good job though
ed: congrates
ed: so is there like a contract?
mike: well i'm assuming after the trial week
ed: thats sweet
ed: do you even like star trek?
ed: you should start a riot
ed: haha
mike: haha
mike: no i don't
ed: sweet
ed: ill back you up
ed: me and you
ed: vs the town
ed: 1700 people? haha
ed: we can take em
ed: probably all geeks

[may 13]
jay: whats up?
jay: IT's peanut butter jelly time

[may 14]
shaun: I AM GOD
mike: NICE
mike: i didn't say anything
mike: in case it was someone at your house signing in
mike: by accident
shaun: haha
shaun: like FUCK YOU
shaun: hey do you know how to change the resolution?
shaun: CAUSE everything is superhuge
mike: FUCK YOU

[may 14]
shaun: i'm just messing
jenn: messer
jenn: messy messer messing messily
shaun: stop that
jenn: stop stopily stopping stoptastically

[may 16]
jay: what has two thumbs and belly full of booze?
mike: jay?
jay: THIS GUY!!!!
mike: haha nice
mike: that was me on friday
jay: me too
mike: at that party i told you about
jay: with sexy results?
mike: haha most people were gone
mike: just the close friends left
mike: dale, melissa, san
jay: haha
jay: SAN MAN
jay: It's peanut butter jelly time!!!

[may 19]
jay: What's has two thimbs and is loaded???
mike: you!!
mike: THAT GUY
jay: this guy
jay: HAHA you rule
jay: what you up too?
mike: not much, just got home
mike: i was earlier
jay: home did you take it to the MAX
jay: Waffles
mike: no i was at melissa's
jay: Does she like waffles???
mike: oh of course
jay: I love waffles
jay: Your Belgium? Man, I can go for some Waffles!!!

[may 21]
jenn: oy
mike: hey jenn!
jenn: i just sent my confirmation for bamfield
jenn: hallo :)
jenn: :@
jenn: god i HATE that

[june 8] [spoken]
kari: My computer's gone crazy!
catherine: You've gone crazy!
kari: YOU'VE gone crazy!
catherine: YOU'VE GONE CRAZY!!!

[june 9]
dale: today in the paper there was a story about an attempted abduction and it was kind of like this
dale: there was a boy standing on the side of the road beside the lake
dale: a man pulled up to see if the boy was alright and when he found out he said "you must be hungry i have candy in my trunk"
dale: isn't that the funniest shit you have ever heard
dale: though not the whole thing but the line
dale: "you must be hungry. I have candy in my trunk"
mike: haha
mike: yeah that's great
dale: who wants trunk candy
dale: maybe back seat candy
dale: or even glove compartment candy
dale: but trunk candy

[june 10]
shaun: fuck that took a lot longer than i expected
mike: what, to sleep?
shaun: no to go get my hair dyed
shaun: 4 fucking hours
mike: yeah that's a long time
shaun: now it's time for some sleep
mike: ahh go without
shaun: i can sum up my answer using the words of the great Jenn O'Neill.."wow there's a lot of dirt over there"

[june 10]
mitch: have a fantastic grad, and drink 7 or 8 for me and a baker's dozen for j!
mike: haha
mike: will do
mitch: j says, and i quote, "congradulashons, oh, and keep a tight ass"
mike: ah just cause jay spends all his time with wide receivers
mitch: he claims to be a tight end
mike: i think he's let a few too many slip through the uprights for that to be true
mitch: he didn't get it
mike: oh well

[june 11]
mike: just gonna eat, then i'll call you, ok?
shaun: k i'm just eating myself
mike: sounds pretty painful

[june 12]
jay: If you were a waffle I would eat you

[june 13]
mike: so what are you doing now?
spigs: i'm working at my third job of the summer
spigs: I just got a job at the Reynolds-Alberta Museum in Wetaskiwin
spigs: as a summer student in marketing and communications
spigs: which I lied to get, since you have to be going back to university in the fall, and I, quite obviously to you and me, am doing no such thing
spigs: look at all those comma splices in that sentence!

[june 15]

[june 16]
jenn: k night mike!
jenn: have fun
jenn: and
jenn: don't disappear
jenn: or get blown away
jenn: or infected with mail
jenn: or crushed by a flying enterprise
mike: that would SUCK
jenn: hahah
jenn: what a way to go
jenn: it would amost be a personal insult

Friday, June 17, 2005
I read today that in the Batman Begins sequel (yes, they're already plotting out the sequel when the first one isn't even out yet...or is it out yet? I'm so deprived...), the Joker will be the villain.
Read more about my Batman thoughts, which are pretty fanboy-ish

Apparently there are some names being tossed around for the role, and when I read the three names so far - as Dale so poetically says - my brain stopped. First is Lachy Hulme, who I've never heard of, so whatever. But next on the list? Crispin "Thin Man" Glover!! How awesome would that be? What could beat that?

Well I'll tell you want could beat that - MARK HAMILL. Hamill voiced the Joker on the classic Batman: The Animated Series show back in the early-to-mid 90s, and is one of the main reasons I'm such a fan of the series. His Joker laugh is just....too, too perfect. If Hamill was cast as the Joker, I think I'd mark out as big as the first time I see Starscream on the big screen in the TF movie.

Geek enough for you?

Also read in the paper that a movie is being planned about Mark Felt, who is of course the infamous Watergate "Deep Throat." This make sense. I mean, it's one of the biggest political stories in US history. It'd probably be pretty interesting to hear his side of the story, and how events transpired for him.

However, know what doesn't make sense? The fact that there's also a TV movie in the works about Jennifer Wilbanks, that lame runaway bride woman. Am I missing something here? Why is this news? Why would anyone even remotely care about some stupid woman's idiocy? And what the hell is with her fiance? You know, a good indication your marriage is going to be the shits - WHEN SHE RUNS AWAY.

Mel feels the same way.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Police arrest killer cow
"We applied ingenuity and arrested the cow, which is now being detained at the station."

Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Stolen from Al's blog

Me (to Shawn Thompson following the ceremony): No I was your favorite student.
Shawn Thompson: No comment.

Hahaha, burned by Shawn Thompson! For shame, Al.

Monday, June 13, 2005
Pics from Spock Days:

The bed races

A Klingon woman (just for you Dale!)

Vader (yeah I dunno why he was there)

The Bucket brigade races (they had to fill the barrels up top by passing up buckets of water, up the ladders)

The Klingon woman doing an obstacle course

And last but not least...




Wednesday, June 08, 2005
This weekend is the annual SPOCK DAYS/GALAXYFEST Convention. I actually missed this last year as I was back home graduating. I imagine it'll be quite the photo op weekend, so I'll attempt to rouse myself before noon to get some shots.

That is, if I still have a home. Since I've been back (a grand total of about 60 hours so far) I am convinced Alberta is telling me to leave. First of all, it's been pouring, and I mean POURING rain. I've gone from wearing t-shirts and shorts and sandals in Kamloops to wearing like three shirts and a waterproof jacket just to walk from the office to my car.

Another unfortunate result of the heavy rainfall is that the basement I live in has started to leak in water from...the walls I guess. I dunno. All I know is that the carpet is permeated with water and today I'm going to have to move everything in the living room away from the wall. Oh, did I mention that this particular wall is where my electronic stuff is plugged in? My Messenger name mentioned the water, which lead Ryan to message me thusly:

sanman: if vulcan gets flooded, can we call it a "worf"
sanman: pun intended.

And in other news, my landlord knocked on my door last night to let me know that he's put the house up for sale, which means that any day now he could announce that it's been sold and I've gotta find a new place to live. (though to be fair he did say he would give me plenty of warning.)

Anyways, apparently there's Bed Races on Saturday. I have no idea what this might be but that's what it says on the poster I have in my hands. There's also two Guest Stars, JG Hertzler and Robert O'Reilly, who were General Martok and Chancellor Gowron respectively on the show. And if you know who Martok and Gowron are, leave right now, leave now and never come back.

It's interesting to discover what can happen in merely one week of absence from work. For starters, deciphering just what exactly your replacement moved/renamed/deleted while you were gone. It's like a game of hide and seek, except when you find the person hiding, you want to punch him in the face.

In lighter news, I stopped at Blockbuster in Calgary with my cousin before I came back to Vulcan. We were just going to kill a few minutes, but I decided to pick up some pre-viewed DVDs. My purchases were Dodgeball (no explanation needed), Evil Alien Conquerors (no explanation needed...if you're Shaun) and William Shatner's SPPLAT ATTACK, which I had never heard of before, but might best be described as Shatner leading a "Federation" team against a Borg and a Klingon team in the epic battleground of paintball at the behest of a powerful overlord known only as The Big Giant Head. It sounds ludicrous but really it's just a giant day-long paintball fest spanning what seems to be an entire town (or at least a very large, complex paintball field). At one point Shatner and co. tell a guy they won't shoot him and them promptly proceed to, of course, shoot him, and continue to do so when he's down, until he cries out in agony for them to stop.

Finally, have you heard of MLB shortstop Clint Barmes? He's out for at least 3 months after - get this - falling down some stairs at home while carrying some groceries. "I figured, I'm an athlete, I can walk up the stairs, it's not that big a deal," said Barmes, who said he got tired of waiting for the elevator.

What is the moral of this story?

- Don't take the stairs
- If you take the stairs, make sure you know how to walk up them without falling and breaking your collarbone
- If you have Clint Barmes on your Fantasy Baseball team, time to get rid of him RIGHT NICK? BWAHAHAHA

Monday, June 06, 2005
You know, I was in kind of a bleh-y mood after a ridiculous 12 hour shift at work, and so I wasn't going to write about how my brother won a $1000 scholarship, or how I bought a William Shatner vs Aliens paintball movie, or how Jenn watched The Secret of The Magical Girl Pants or whatever the fuck that movie is called.

But then I read a little tiny news article about the Transformers live-action movie that is being made, and discovered that it's being directed by Michael Bay. And the slow rage began to build.

Don't get me wrong, The Rock was a great movie. But I have this awful feeling the storyline and characters are going to be neglected in terms of big explosions and car chases. Not that those are bad things to have in a TF movie, they would just be bad to have in a Michael Bay fashion.

Read more gibberish/ranting about the Transformers movie.

As one of the holiest of memories from my childhood, the Transformers keep popping up in my life...and desecrating those fond memories. First there was the interesting but ultimately horrible TV CG cartoon Beasties, and the sequel series that was even worse, Beast Machines. THEN, there was the gigantic load of crap known as Armada. Dreamwave put out a decent Transformers comic for a while, but sadly they went under and the comic is no more.

When I heard they were making this movie, I was overjoyed. Then came the fears that they would ruin it, that it would be all changed and "modernized" and stuff. Prime example? (har har) Soundwave is a casette player. But IMMEDIATELY people starting saying that it'd be stupid to have a casette player, that he would be a discman or *shudder* an iPod. Megatron is a tank, which is alright, since that's not only a decent modification to his original form, but he's been a tank in tons of other TF continuities.

I can't even really explain these fears, but I just pray they don't mess it up. Give me a badass Megatron, a robotic Soundwave, an evil and awesome Starscream. Match them off with Optimus, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Jazz and Ironhide. The Dinobots maybe. Or the Constructicons.


On a somewhat related note, I saw a trailer for the new Legend of Zelda game, which I've been greatly looking forward to. Apparently, you can turn into a Werewolf. Which begs the question: WHY? WHY!!! WHY ALL THESE STUPID GIMMICKS??

Let's recap:
- Ocarina of Time - no gimmicks, just a regular, fantastic game!
- Majora's Mask - masks. lame.
- Four Swords - four of you? makes for annoying puzzles. better off with one Link, the others just got in the way.
- Minnish Cap - shrinking. annoying.

I don't see why Nintendo feels the need to have you transform all the time! I don't want to be able to wear masks and transform into different things. I don't want to split into four of me. I don't want to shrink, I don't want to be a sailor, and I most definitely do not want to be a freaking wolf.

At least I still have Kingdom Hearts 2 to look forward to.

Saturday, June 04, 2005
GET OFF MY PLANESome people like to go out to bars or hang out with friends for fun.

On the other hand, some people like to dress up like ninjas and embark on two-hour treks into the mountains in the middle of the night in a vain attempt to get a photo of Harrison Ford, who's in town shooting a movie.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tonight was Jenn's birthday party! We went to Ric's Mediterranean Grill downtown, a restaurant I'd never been to. Then we went to Rivers, which has now has cover to get in(!) and once inside you have to get swept with an airport metal detector wand(!!). So that was a little different.

It was a pretty fun night, and I also ran into Jeff from j-school, and we exchanged j-prof stories, and I also met up with Sergei and Dave from Wholesale Furniture Brokers - my job from a few summers back. We chatted for quite a while and it was nice to find out their company is doing well and expanding. Some of my blog entries from the job were pretty funny, so maybe I'll try to dig some out of the archives and post some links to them.

Thursday, June 02, 2005
Mike: "I wish I was a viking. I like Norwegian girls."
Girl: "Really? I'm Norwegian!!"

Mike: "I'm trying to pick up the Newfoundland chick!"
Jeremy: "She said you two were getting married."
Mike: "Oh my god!! Punch her in the face for me!"

An interesting night at the Max tonight. Went with Jeremy and Mike L'Heureux. While I have seen Jeremy drunk before, he just recently turned 19 so I've never seen him at a bar. Mike was the more intoxicated of the two though (I was driving) and his escapades with some Newfoundland girl was highly amusing. This may partially be because she was 28 with three kids.

How they met, ahh how they met was just classic though. We (me, Mike, Jeremy) were sitting down at a table, and Mike and Jeremy were rapping the Star Wars Rap (I'm completely serious) and she happened to pass by. We didn't notice she was there or that she had heard until we looked up and saw her horrified expression. And I'm talking a look like she just found out we had kidnapped her dog, punched it in the face for a while and then cooked it for dinner. Mike quickly began explaining, but really, is there any way you can reasonably explain that? She settled for an assurance that no, they were not freestyling, and she was kind enough to leave it at that.

I also learned a new greeting from the L'Heureuxs' friend, Jimmy Jack, or something like that. The person greeting sticks out his fist, and the recipient puts his fist out so that they touch. The greeter then screeches:


Jimmy Jack came up as me, Jeremy and his friend Manpreet (?) were sitting. He did this to both of them, and then turned to me and said "Good evening sir, how are you tonight? My name is Jimmy Jack. Nice to meet you. And now that we are acquainted, POWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!" Soooo funny.
