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Gangsta Rap baseball cap pictures
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trevor linden has a girlfriend?
what is the name of old movie where the midas touch turns everything to shit
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wolfpack gangsta rap group
fight, rhino, hippo
"Monkey in a Wagon Versus Lemur on a Big Wheel"
rhino vs hippo

Mike: "I wish I was a viking. I like Norwegian girls."
Girl: "Really? I'm Norwegian!!"
Mike: "I'm trying to pick up the Newfoundland chick!"
Jeremy: "She said you two were getting married."
Mike: "Oh my god!! Punch her in the face for me!"
An interesting night at the Max tonight. Went with Jeremy and Mike L'Heureux. While I have seen Jeremy drunk before, he just recently turned 19 so I've never seen him at a bar. Mike was the more intoxicated of the two though (I was driving) and his escapades with some Newfoundland girl was highly amusing. This may partially be because she was 28 with three kids.
How they met, ahh how they met was just classic though. We (me, Mike, Jeremy) were sitting down at a table, and Mike and Jeremy were rapping the Star Wars Rap (I'm completely serious) and she happened to pass by. We didn't notice she was there or that she had heard until we looked up and saw her horrified expression. And I'm talking a look like she just found out we had kidnapped her dog, punched it in the face for a while and then cooked it for dinner. Mike quickly began explaining, but really, is there any way you can reasonably explain that? She settled for an assurance that no, they were not freestyling, and she was kind enough to leave it at that.
I also learned a new greeting from the L'Heureuxs' friend, Jimmy Jack, or something like that. The person greeting sticks out his fist, and the recipient puts his fist out so that they touch. The greeter then screeches:
[posted by Rades at 3:11 AM] LINK ||
Girl: "Really? I'm Norwegian!!"
Mike: "I'm trying to pick up the Newfoundland chick!"
Jeremy: "She said you two were getting married."
Mike: "Oh my god!! Punch her in the face for me!"
An interesting night at the Max tonight. Went with Jeremy and Mike L'Heureux. While I have seen Jeremy drunk before, he just recently turned 19 so I've never seen him at a bar. Mike was the more intoxicated of the two though (I was driving) and his escapades with some Newfoundland girl was highly amusing. This may partially be because she was 28 with three kids.
How they met, ahh how they met was just classic though. We (me, Mike, Jeremy) were sitting down at a table, and Mike and Jeremy were rapping the Star Wars Rap (I'm completely serious) and she happened to pass by. We didn't notice she was there or that she had heard until we looked up and saw her horrified expression. And I'm talking a look like she just found out we had kidnapped her dog, punched it in the face for a while and then cooked it for dinner. Mike quickly began explaining, but really, is there any way you can reasonably explain that? She settled for an assurance that no, they were not freestyling, and she was kind enough to leave it at that.
I also learned a new greeting from the L'Heureuxs' friend, Jimmy Jack, or something like that. The person greeting sticks out his fist, and the recipient puts his fist out so that they touch. The greeter then screeches:
Jimmy Jack came up as me, Jeremy and his friend Manpreet (?) were sitting. He did this to both of them, and then turned to me and said "Good evening sir, how are you tonight? My name is Jimmy Jack. Nice to meet you. And now that we are acquainted, POWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!" Soooo funny.[posted by Rades at 3:11 AM] LINK ||