Old Archives (before 2005)
Search Engine Hall of Fame
transformers whos side are you on octopus or megatron
cane toad cannons
rhino vs hippo video
You're fucking infuriating about me.
TELUS sweatshops
stomping cane toads
dirt on trevor linden
Gangsta Rap baseball cap pictures
jim rome lunch with the monkey
what is pirateism
trevor linden has a girlfriend?
what is the name of old movie where the midas touch turns everything to shit
"fat cat falling"
why do geriatric cats moan?
wolfpack gangsta rap group
fight, rhino, hippo
"Monkey in a Wagon Versus Lemur on a Big Wheel"
rhino vs hippo

On the other hand, some people like to dress up like ninjas and embark on two-hour treks into the mountains in the middle of the night in a vain attempt to get a photo of Harrison Ford, who's in town shooting a movie.
Tonight was Jenn's birthday party! We went to Ric's Mediterranean Grill downtown, a restaurant I'd never been to. Then we went to Rivers, which has now has cover to get in(!) and once inside you have to get swept with an airport metal detector wand(!!). So that was a little different.
It was a pretty fun night, and I also ran into Jeff from j-school, and we exchanged j-prof stories, and I also met up with Sergei and Dave from Wholesale Furniture Brokers - my job from a few summers back. We chatted for quite a while and it was nice to find out their company is doing well and expanding. Some of my blog entries from the job were pretty funny, so maybe I'll try to dig some out of the archives and post some links to them.
[posted by Rades at 12:23 PM] LINK ||