Old Archives (before 2005)
Search Engine Hall of Fame
transformers whos side are you on octopus or megatron
cane toad cannons
rhino vs hippo video
You're fucking infuriating about me.
TELUS sweatshops
stomping cane toads
dirt on trevor linden
Gangsta Rap baseball cap pictures
jim rome lunch with the monkey
what is pirateism
trevor linden has a girlfriend?
what is the name of old movie where the midas touch turns everything to shit
"fat cat falling"
why do geriatric cats moan?
wolfpack gangsta rap group
fight, rhino, hippo
"Monkey in a Wagon Versus Lemur on a Big Wheel"
rhino vs hippo

Well, Nick's been whining like rotten pond scum he is, telling me to write something. And since it's 4 am, I'm going to do the only thing I can - take the easy way out. I've been logging old MSN convos, as many of you know, to put on the web (someday). So here's a random selection of a few of them, from 2004.
[april 24]
shaun: hey i got a gmail invite too
shaun: i just want to think of a good name first
mike: go with vico
mike: or TROGDOR
shaun: no no
mike: lol
mike: MANGLER@gmail.com
shaun: toodamntall
shaun: i'm thinking i might go with snevar
shaun: or you'reaftermyrobotbee
[april 25]
mike: tell her to drive herself then
shaun: she doesn't have a car dude
mike: i know
mike: that's the point
shaun: i should
shaun: drive yourself....TO HELL
[april 25]
mike: jenn's gonna drive
shaun: so i hear
shaun: but she might kill us
jenn: it's well worth the risk!
jenn: the camry is like a LIMO!
shaun: wait as long as Mike and I are drunk we'll survive
mike: yeah everyone else will end up impaled all over the place
jenn: yes if your body is drunk it will be loose and you will only skid across the ground
mike: or bounce!
jenn: you'll be finnnne
jenn: yeah!
jenn: maybe just go *SPLOT* and come to rest, all fine-like
mike: SPLOT
jenn: SPLOT
shaun: Sploosh
shaun: i hit the water instead of the road
jenn: who wants a slurpee
jenn: i want a slurpee
shaun: i want a squishee
mike: i want ice cream
[april 26]
shaun: so enjoy the movie?
mike: fucking jack black
shaun: lol
shaun: i hate my dog
[april 26]
dale: man chainsaws are soooooo fucking cool
dale: my ninja name is ded lee ninja
dale: or chainsaw ninja
[may 2]
mike: hey i'm moving to vulcan alberta haha
ed: what are you doing there?
mike: working at the newspaper there
ed: (reads site about vulcan) oh my god.. freak town
mike: haha
ed: good job though
ed: congrates
ed: so is there like a contract?
mike: well i'm assuming after the trial week
ed: thats sweet
ed: do you even like star trek?
ed: you should start a riot
ed: haha
mike: haha
mike: no i don't
ed: sweet
ed: ill back you up
ed: me and you
ed: vs the town
ed: 1700 people? haha
ed: we can take em
ed: probably all geeks
[may 13]
jay: whats up?
jay: IT's peanut butter jelly time
[may 14]
shaun: I AM GOD
mike: NICE
mike: i didn't say anything
mike: in case it was someone at your house signing in
mike: by accident
shaun: haha
shaun: like FUCK YOU
shaun: hey do you know how to change the resolution?
shaun: CAUSE everything is superhuge
mike: FUCK YOU
[may 14]
shaun: i'm just messing
jenn: messer
jenn: messy messer messing messily
shaun: stop that
jenn: stop stopily stopping stoptastically
[may 16]
jay: what has two thumbs and belly full of booze?
mike: jay?
jay: THIS GUY!!!!
mike: haha nice
mike: that was me on friday
jay: me too
mike: at that party i told you about
jay: with sexy results?
mike: haha most people were gone
mike: just the close friends left
mike: dale, melissa, san
jay: haha
jay: SAN MAN
jay: It's peanut butter jelly time!!!
[may 19]
jay: What's has two thimbs and is loaded???
mike: you!!
mike: THAT GUY
jay: this guy
jay: HAHA you rule
jay: what you up too?
mike: not much, just got home
mike: i was earlier
jay: home did you take it to the MAX
jay: Waffles
mike: no i was at melissa's
jay: Does she like waffles???
mike: oh of course
jay: I love waffles
jay: Your Belgium? Man, I can go for some Waffles!!!
[may 21]
jenn: oy
mike: hey jenn!
jenn: i just sent my confirmation for bamfield
jenn: hallo :)
jenn: :@
jenn: god i HATE that
[june 8] [spoken]
kari: My computer's gone crazy!
catherine: You've gone crazy!
kari: YOU'VE gone crazy!
catherine: YOU'VE GONE CRAZY!!!
[june 9]
dale: today in the paper there was a story about an attempted abduction and it was kind of like this
dale: there was a boy standing on the side of the road beside the lake
dale: a man pulled up to see if the boy was alright and when he found out he said "you must be hungry i have candy in my trunk"
dale: isn't that the funniest shit you have ever heard
dale: though not the whole thing but the line
dale: "you must be hungry. I have candy in my trunk"
mike: haha
mike: yeah that's great
dale: who wants trunk candy
dale: maybe back seat candy
dale: or even glove compartment candy
dale: but trunk candy
[june 10]
shaun: fuck that took a lot longer than i expected
mike: what, to sleep?
shaun: no to go get my hair dyed
shaun: 4 fucking hours
mike: yeah that's a long time
shaun: now it's time for some sleep
mike: ahh go without
shaun: i can sum up my answer using the words of the great Jenn O'Neill.."wow there's a lot of dirt over there"
[june 10]
mitch: have a fantastic grad, and drink 7 or 8 for me and a baker's dozen for j!
mike: haha
mike: will do
mitch: j says, and i quote, "congradulashons, oh, and keep a tight ass"
mike: ah just cause jay spends all his time with wide receivers
mitch: he claims to be a tight end
mike: i think he's let a few too many slip through the uprights for that to be true
mitch: he didn't get it
mike: oh well
[june 11]
mike: just gonna eat, then i'll call you, ok?
shaun: k i'm just eating myself
mike: sounds pretty painful
[june 12]
jay: If you were a waffle I would eat you
[june 13]
mike: so what are you doing now?
spigs: i'm working at my third job of the summer
spigs: I just got a job at the Reynolds-Alberta Museum in Wetaskiwin
spigs: as a summer student in marketing and communications
spigs: which I lied to get, since you have to be going back to university in the fall, and I, quite obviously to you and me, am doing no such thing
spigs: look at all those comma splices in that sentence!
[june 15]
[june 16]
jenn: k night mike!
jenn: have fun
jenn: and
jenn: don't disappear
jenn: or get blown away
jenn: or infected with mail
jenn: or crushed by a flying enterprise
mike: that would SUCK
jenn: hahah
jenn: what a way to go
jenn: it would amost be a personal insult
[posted by Rades at 3:11 AM] LINK ||
[april 24]
shaun: hey i got a gmail invite too
shaun: i just want to think of a good name first
mike: go with vico
mike: or TROGDOR
shaun: no no
mike: lol
mike: MANGLER@gmail.com
shaun: toodamntall
shaun: i'm thinking i might go with snevar
shaun: or you'reaftermyrobotbee
[april 25]
mike: tell her to drive herself then
shaun: she doesn't have a car dude
mike: i know
mike: that's the point
shaun: i should
shaun: drive yourself....TO HELL
[april 25]
mike: jenn's gonna drive
shaun: so i hear
shaun: but she might kill us
jenn: it's well worth the risk!
jenn: the camry is like a LIMO!
shaun: wait as long as Mike and I are drunk we'll survive
mike: yeah everyone else will end up impaled all over the place
jenn: yes if your body is drunk it will be loose and you will only skid across the ground
mike: or bounce!
jenn: you'll be finnnne
jenn: yeah!
jenn: maybe just go *SPLOT* and come to rest, all fine-like
mike: SPLOT
jenn: SPLOT
shaun: Sploosh
shaun: i hit the water instead of the road
jenn: who wants a slurpee
jenn: i want a slurpee
shaun: i want a squishee
mike: i want ice cream
[april 26]
shaun: so enjoy the movie?
mike: fucking jack black
shaun: lol
shaun: i hate my dog
[april 26]
dale: man chainsaws are soooooo fucking cool
dale: my ninja name is ded lee ninja
dale: or chainsaw ninja
[may 2]
mike: hey i'm moving to vulcan alberta haha
ed: what are you doing there?
mike: working at the newspaper there
ed: (reads site about vulcan) oh my god.. freak town
mike: haha
ed: good job though
ed: congrates
ed: so is there like a contract?
mike: well i'm assuming after the trial week
ed: thats sweet
ed: do you even like star trek?
ed: you should start a riot
ed: haha
mike: haha
mike: no i don't
ed: sweet
ed: ill back you up
ed: me and you
ed: vs the town
ed: 1700 people? haha
ed: we can take em
ed: probably all geeks
[may 13]
jay: whats up?
jay: IT's peanut butter jelly time
[may 14]
shaun: I AM GOD
mike: NICE
mike: i didn't say anything
mike: in case it was someone at your house signing in
mike: by accident
shaun: haha
shaun: like FUCK YOU
shaun: hey do you know how to change the resolution?
shaun: CAUSE everything is superhuge
mike: FUCK YOU
[may 14]
shaun: i'm just messing
jenn: messer
jenn: messy messer messing messily
shaun: stop that
jenn: stop stopily stopping stoptastically
[may 16]
jay: what has two thumbs and belly full of booze?
mike: jay?
jay: THIS GUY!!!!
mike: haha nice
mike: that was me on friday
jay: me too
mike: at that party i told you about
jay: with sexy results?
mike: haha most people were gone
mike: just the close friends left
mike: dale, melissa, san
jay: haha
jay: SAN MAN
jay: It's peanut butter jelly time!!!
[may 19]
jay: What's has two thimbs and is loaded???
mike: you!!
mike: THAT GUY
jay: this guy
jay: HAHA you rule
jay: what you up too?
mike: not much, just got home
mike: i was earlier
jay: home did you take it to the MAX
jay: Waffles
mike: no i was at melissa's
jay: Does she like waffles???
mike: oh of course
jay: I love waffles
jay: Your Belgium? Man, I can go for some Waffles!!!
[may 21]
jenn: oy
mike: hey jenn!
jenn: i just sent my confirmation for bamfield
jenn: hallo :)
jenn: :@
jenn: god i HATE that
[june 8] [spoken]
kari: My computer's gone crazy!
catherine: You've gone crazy!
kari: YOU'VE gone crazy!
catherine: YOU'VE GONE CRAZY!!!
[june 9]
dale: today in the paper there was a story about an attempted abduction and it was kind of like this
dale: there was a boy standing on the side of the road beside the lake
dale: a man pulled up to see if the boy was alright and when he found out he said "you must be hungry i have candy in my trunk"
dale: isn't that the funniest shit you have ever heard
dale: though not the whole thing but the line
dale: "you must be hungry. I have candy in my trunk"
mike: haha
mike: yeah that's great
dale: who wants trunk candy
dale: maybe back seat candy
dale: or even glove compartment candy
dale: but trunk candy
[june 10]
shaun: fuck that took a lot longer than i expected
mike: what, to sleep?
shaun: no to go get my hair dyed
shaun: 4 fucking hours
mike: yeah that's a long time
shaun: now it's time for some sleep
mike: ahh go without
shaun: i can sum up my answer using the words of the great Jenn O'Neill.."wow there's a lot of dirt over there"
[june 10]
mitch: have a fantastic grad, and drink 7 or 8 for me and a baker's dozen for j!
mike: haha
mike: will do
mitch: j says, and i quote, "congradulashons, oh, and keep a tight ass"
mike: ah just cause jay spends all his time with wide receivers
mitch: he claims to be a tight end
mike: i think he's let a few too many slip through the uprights for that to be true
mitch: he didn't get it
mike: oh well
[june 11]
mike: just gonna eat, then i'll call you, ok?
shaun: k i'm just eating myself
mike: sounds pretty painful
[june 12]
jay: If you were a waffle I would eat you
[june 13]
mike: so what are you doing now?
spigs: i'm working at my third job of the summer
spigs: I just got a job at the Reynolds-Alberta Museum in Wetaskiwin
spigs: as a summer student in marketing and communications
spigs: which I lied to get, since you have to be going back to university in the fall, and I, quite obviously to you and me, am doing no such thing
spigs: look at all those comma splices in that sentence!
[june 15]
[june 16]
jenn: k night mike!
jenn: have fun
jenn: and
jenn: don't disappear
jenn: or get blown away
jenn: or infected with mail
jenn: or crushed by a flying enterprise
mike: that would SUCK
jenn: hahah
jenn: what a way to go
jenn: it would amost be a personal insult
[posted by Rades at 3:11 AM] LINK ||