Monday, March 27, 2006
Man do I need to change that header banner. I mean, one Shaun is bad enough, four is just inhumane.

Been hearing a lot of Hedley's new song, Trip, on the radio lately. After hearing it a few times, I realized that Hedley is actually just Yellowcard in disguise. Listen to this clip from Trip and then listen to this clip from Only One. The same freaking band, I tell you!

Speaking of music, I heard a new song by Dallas Green, the singer from ALEX IS ON FIRE. I could have sworn the main lyric was "So save your sister" like he was telling guys to save their sisters...for him. Yeah, I was slightly wrong, but who pronounces scissors "sissers" and not "sizzers"? Freak.

Nick's got a place! The box of giant spiders housewarming gift is on the way!

Speaking of the new-and-improved, now with 40% more flavour, Mr. Greenizan, the annual Fantasy Baseball Pool is up and running once again. And once again, the baseball icons to the right will reflect our standings in the league. Will this finally be Nick's year to emerge from my overwhelming shadow of dominance? Or will this be another pitiful, failed attempt at glory? Only time will tell.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006
I was doing up some classified ads today at work when I got to one whose title was "Auschwitz Remembered." Hmm, I thought. Well, at least this will be a change from the "HOME FOR SALE" or "WELL-ENDOWED MAN PROMISES DISCRETION" ads that I've been doing lately.

Yeah, turns out the ad is in "protest" of some rezoning and construction that's going on in a neighbourhood of town. It starts off with "The Residents of Alexis Park Drive, are in deepest sorrow over the destruction of their neighbourhood. The attack led by a powerful ruling clique, of foreign land-developers." It goes on (in very propaganda-ish details) to name themselves as the victims of "the New Auschwitz."

Whoa buddy. Drama queen much? Chill. You're losing a BALL DIAMOND. I understand you might be upset that little Timmy might not be able to hit the ball around after school, but I don't think that justifies tossing out the Ausch-bomb like that.

I should "forget" to do this person's ad. "Sorry Mr. Rattenberg, it must have slipped between desks over here. So terribly negligent of us. In fact, I am in deepest sorrow over the destruction of your ad. Sorry for stomping on your precious civil rights there Ratts."

Sunday, March 05, 2006
Mike L: I'm going to have to fight my mom now, you realize that?

Cam: I just spoke from my butt. It said "BIH!"
Mike L: (enters) My mom is dead!!

So I've rediscovered the brilliance that is Jim Rome. Jim Rome is a sports talk radio host, who basically has the freedom to do whatever he wants on his show. His actual sports interviews are very good, but even better is the random shit he does, like a 2-minute clip of someone saying "MONKEY MONKEY MONKEY MONKEY" over and over in a bizarre techno dance mix, or spending a good hour talking with listeners (via email or calls) about horrible flight stories. I downloaded an application at work that lets me record clips from the show, and everyone should listen to it now!

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Build a secret passageway, the kind you slide a book to open
