Sunday, March 05, 2006
Mike L: I'm going to have to fight my mom now, you realize that?

Cam: I just spoke from my butt. It said "BIH!"
Mike L: (enters) My mom is dead!!

So I've rediscovered the brilliance that is Jim Rome. Jim Rome is a sports talk radio host, who basically has the freedom to do whatever he wants on his show. His actual sports interviews are very good, but even better is the random shit he does, like a 2-minute clip of someone saying "MONKEY MONKEY MONKEY MONKEY" over and over in a bizarre techno dance mix, or spending a good hour talking with listeners (via email or calls) about horrible flight stories. I downloaded an application at work that lets me record clips from the show, and everyone should listen to it now!

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Build a secret passageway, the kind you slide a book to open
