Tuesday, March 07, 2006
I was doing up some classified ads today at work when I got to one whose title was "Auschwitz Remembered." Hmm, I thought. Well, at least this will be a change from the "HOME FOR SALE" or "WELL-ENDOWED MAN PROMISES DISCRETION" ads that I've been doing lately.

Yeah, turns out the ad is in "protest" of some rezoning and construction that's going on in a neighbourhood of town. It starts off with "The Residents of Alexis Park Drive, are in deepest sorrow over the destruction of their neighbourhood. The attack led by a powerful ruling clique, of foreign land-developers." It goes on (in very propaganda-ish details) to name themselves as the victims of "the New Auschwitz."

Whoa buddy. Drama queen much? Chill. You're losing a BALL DIAMOND. I understand you might be upset that little Timmy might not be able to hit the ball around after school, but I don't think that justifies tossing out the Ausch-bomb like that.

I should "forget" to do this person's ad. "Sorry Mr. Rattenberg, it must have slipped between desks over here. So terribly negligent of us. In fact, I am in deepest sorrow over the destruction of your ad. Sorry for stomping on your precious civil rights there Ratts."
