Saturday, May 12, 2007
Watched Spider-Man 3 tonight, and I honestly can't remember the last time I've been so divided on a movie. There were some undeniably cool moments, but there were probably just as many utterly wretched moments. Similarly, I enjoyed it a ton while I was in the theatre, but once I started thinking about it afterwards, found a lot of things that didn't sit well with me. In the post-game analysis with Tyler and (some other guy whose name I can't remember), we quickly threw together some ideas that we all agreed would have a) made this movie MUCH, MUCH better all around, and b) set up the next movie in an unbelievably cool way. We also discussed what we utterly hated.

My intial reaction was that I enjoyed it a lot, so as a generic movie-goer I would have given it an 8. Solid and interesting, with some minor annoyances. Take those away and it'd bump up to an 8.5.

HOWEVER, now that I've had a chance to think about it, my opinion has changed a lot. There's a lot of plot holes, and those aside, if you look at it with any sort of Spider-Man knowledge or expectations, it falls quite a bit short. My actual score, given what they COULD have done with it, would be probably a FIVE OUT OF TEN.

Because this is such an interesting movie to dissect, and because I've been inspired lately by the adventures of Time Travelin' Juan Encarnacion, I will be accompanying some of my thoughts with in-depth artistic sketches to more accurately describe my thoughts.

My review is very very long, so click to keep reading. MASSIVE SPOILERS!!
