Monday, January 29, 2007
Okay, quite a while ago I learned of this hilarious Batman...clip, I guess you could call it. (Hit play to hear the awesome, awesome music that accompanies this image.)

Well, I just learned that this bizarre audio is actually from a real song. And it doesn't disappoint:

Friday, January 19, 2007
The Ten Best Trailers I've Seen - #6

Jarhead - View Hi-Res Trailer

As much as I utterly loathe Jamie Foxx's "ooh-ra" retarded line, the crazy war scenes combined with Kanye West's "Jesus Walks" makes for an incredible, powerful trailer. Well, the second half, anyways. The first half is garbage.

Money Shot: Probably when Kanye West actually starts singing (right after it says something about American Beauty), since that's when the actual intense music/scenes begin flashing. Just as gripping however, are the clips of the soldiers walking by a burned out car in an empty, desolate desert with a bunch of fires burning in the background, and my personal favorite moment, when someone (don't know who) is yelling and shooting his rifle into the air at night (2nd picture, above). The high notes in the music at that moment and the guy seemingly at the end of his rope, it just gave me chills when I first saw it.

Musically: There's no question - without Jesus Walks, this trailer would be a completely different animal. It just screams turmoil; hell, the lyrics are "God show me the way / Because the devil's trying to break me down." Could there even be more fitting lyrics to describe what soldiers must feel when they're in the field?

Visually: A great selection of varying scenes, though the trailer alternates between "desperate soldiers fighting to survive" and "soldiers screwing around and being goofy" which kind of detracts from the overall effect (more on this later). It's sad, but in this movie at least, war is beautiful. The empty, barren landscape, giant flames shooting into the sky, explosions sending a hail of dirt into the sky and raining down on the all looks surreal and stunning. The extremely high contrast ratios in the shots is a nice effect, too. Most of the time it's either pitch black or blindingly white in the background, which makes the actors stand out especially well.

The Ending: Well...if you take out the little scene of Jamie Foxx talking about loving being a soldier (and his horrible ooh-ra line) then it's superb. The rapid-fire hammering of shots right before the Jarhead title shows fighting, pain, panic...pretty much sums up the trailer perfectly. Unsurprisingly, the music fits like a glove. And skipping Jamie Foxx's horrible scene, the lone soldier walking into the distance to the chorus of Jesus Walks is just as strong.

Extras: Not really much. The names on the dog tags are a minor, but nice touch. But otherwise it's a pretty traditional trailer. It is, after all, just scenes set to music.

It's too bad this trailer is half awesome and half utterly stupid. The first half is just idiotic, since it COMPLETELY differs in mood and atmosphere than the second half. The second half though, wow. It's essentially a music video, but damn is it a good one.

One thing. Though I haven't seen the movie myself, I've heard it is about what these soldiers do when they go to war and end up not actually fighting. It's about their life just being in the field and waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Which is fine...except that I would expect something completely different from the trailer. The trailer makes it seem like it's a conventional war movie, with its many scenes of explosions, gunfire, injuries, etc. I know that if I went to Jarhead expecting killer fights and intense battles, and instead I got soldiers waiting around and waiting for something to happen, I'd be pretty disappointed.

Of course, as far as misleading trailers go, it's nowhere near as bad as the next one.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

For only $60, Become a Lord, Lady, Baron or Baroness!
.........of Sealand. Where the hell is Sealand?!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007
The Ten Best Trailers I've Seen - #7

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

This trailer is fantastic for quite a few reasons. It's a brilliant tongue-in-cheek parody of the generic movie trailer, poking fun at the conventional, traditional elements, while still promoting itself using those traditional elements! It's amazingly effective right there alone. But it's even more impressive when you consider how perfectly it fits the movie/book series' mood and overall quirkiness. In fact, if you think about it, is there really any other way they could do a trailer for this movie? It's a creative, witty commentary that completely breaks the fourth wall. And that's why it's perfect.

Money Shot: I wouldn't really say this trailer has a climax moment, but right from the start it deviates from the usual path when it starts talking to you about movie trailers. It's simple - it's not a sexy girl or a massive explosion or a cryptic line - but it's effective, grabs your attention, and works.

Musically: The music is definitely background, as the wildly random scenes and hilarious commentary are the focal points. That being said, the music goes along with the commentary and blends well, particularly the "rock music montage" as the nameless commentator puts it.

Visually: The digital information screens we see throughout the movie are exactly like various scenes in the movie, so it does a good job of establishing the visual template. Other than that, it's mostly a selection of various movie scenes that complement the commentary (yep, the movie scenes complement the commentary!).

The Ending: Finishes strong! The commentator wraps up his deadpan synopsis of movie trailers, while continuing to slyly sneak in the movie's actual information at the same time. Even better though, he goes back to the deep voice for a moment, which is tremendous.

Extras: Where to begin? By far, one of the most creative trailers ever. It's one thing to break the mold and make an original trailer, but it's quite another to do so by skewering the very idea of how predictable movie trailers are to begin with. It's hilarious, mostly because it's so true! There are far too many trailers that follow this template exactly...such as the DEEP VOICE man that seems to speak in every trailer on earth.

It's also important to realize that this trailer succeeds where many movies that were originally books/comics/etc. have failed. No matter how familiar you are with the series, this trailer is still great. Read the books? You'll probably recognize some scenes and would really appreciate the trailer's humour, because you would expect no less. Never heard of it? You'll find the trailer funny and probably expect the movie to be just as good.

In truth, I actually didn't enjoy the movie that much. I found it a bit too random and it seemed like it was trying too hard to be zany for the sake of being zany. However, that doesn't stop the trailer from being one of the best I've ever seen.
