Sunday, December 17, 2006
The Ten Best Trailers I've Seen - #8


Not too much to say about the trailer before getting into the nitty gritty, other than to remember that at the time, the CGI-graphics of Rome were very new and cutting edge, and were a significant part of the movie's appeal. The trailer does do a good job of showing this, though in this version from YouTube you can't really make out the sharp details.

Money Shot: There isn't really a clear-cut "BAM" scene, but if I had to choose I'd say the "Father to a murdered son / Husband to a murdered wife / And I will have my vengeance" segment. The music builds and crashes right at that point, and you're finally finding out just why the General-who-became-a-slave-who-became-a-gladiator-who-defied-an-Empire is doing what he's doing.

Musically: The music (by Hans Zimmer, whose scores are just perfect for this type of film) is very good - nothing too attention-grabbing, but it has lots of clashes and building points that blend well with the movie scenes, whether it's an important line being spoken or a big action shot. Right at about 0:42 seconds is a good example of what I mean.

Visually: First off, the visuals of the movie itself are terrific - the costumes, the Colosseum, the fights, etc. However, we're talking about the trailer, not the movie. In that sense, there's not a lot of extra things. That's not bad - the action shots are well put together, the scenes chosen fit nicely with the music and anticipation, etc. Just nothing special in that sense. Overall, the trailer rocks visually, but more so because of the movie itself than any special work put into the trailer.

The Ending: The ending is okay. The horse leaping through the flames is a dramatic shot, yeah, but to me it looks a bit clumsy and not that great, especially given the HUGE range of wonderful scenes they had to choose from. In fact, the scene immediately prior, that of Maximus standing in the arena, with petals fluttering down around him from above, is a much cooler scene. In summary, I found the ending to be the weakest part of the trailer.
(Also: the May 5, 2000 A.D. is a nice touch.)

Extras: This trailer is actually extremely simple. The two "big" series of lines lays out the plot, the action and scenery fills in all the gaps, and we see a hell of a lot of fighting. And no narration, which I think is a great choice here, since it really wouldn't be necessary. I did find it interesting that the trailer wastes no time at all. There's no slow buildup - you're slammed (in a good way) with the raw premise of the movie, and it's a good one, so you're caught up immediately. Also, there's not very much dialogue at all, but the few lines that are there are all important, memorable ones (except the kid talking to Maximus...that's totally out of place.)

In summary, the trailer for Gladiator is a great mix of action and music, both of which the movie has plenty of. That's why I find it pretty impressive that the most impacting moments to me are the two very memorable series of lines. The first is the "The general who became a slave / The slave who became a gladiator / The slave who defied an Empire" lines (which pretty much sum up the entire movie perfectly) and the other is the equally-as-powerful (albeit shortened version) soliloquy of "Father to a murdered son / Husband to a murdered wife / And I will have my vengeance."

So what's wrong with the trailer? Not a lot. It tells you about the simple but compelling plot, it shows you a lot of cool stuff and wicked fights, and Crowe looks badass and Joaquin Phoenix looks evil. The only negative I would remark on is that while most of the scenes are great, some are just odd and don't really fit the epic mood of the movie.
