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Lately I've been cataloguing a list of the best movie trailers I've ever seen. Not necessarily for the best movies, or even for movies I liked. I'm talking about just the trailer itself. I'll be posting a top 10 list starting tomorrow, but just to get into the spirit of things, I thought I'd start with the ABSOLUTELY WORST TRAILER ever imaginable: Stomp the Yard.
Now granted, this might be a little unfair because well, look at the movie...I don't know what else they could have done. But it's almost like they tried to incorporate every horrible cliche into a single, vomit-inducing package.
It's like West Side Story meets Remember the Titans meets...I don't know, Wu-Tang Clan, or something. With dancing. Sorry, "stepping". As if that isn't the most retarded name ever. Anyways, just watch it.
To summarize, and quote from the trailer: "What the hell are they doing?" I honestly think this is the only non-comedy trailer I've seen that has literally made me burst out laughing in the middle of the theater.
[posted by Rades at 8:22 PM] LINK ||
Now granted, this might be a little unfair because well, look at the movie...I don't know what else they could have done. But it's almost like they tried to incorporate every horrible cliche into a single, vomit-inducing package.
It's like West Side Story meets Remember the Titans meets...I don't know, Wu-Tang Clan, or something. With dancing. Sorry, "stepping". As if that isn't the most retarded name ever. Anyways, just watch it.
To summarize, and quote from the trailer: "What the hell are they doing?" I honestly think this is the only non-comedy trailer I've seen that has literally made me burst out laughing in the middle of the theater.
[posted by Rades at 8:22 PM] LINK ||