Friday, July 28, 2006
Shaun's Shit Touch

Oh, we were serious about that quote in the previous post. Shaun apparently has an anti-midas SHIT touch, because this weekend when he came to visit, everything around us self-destructed, broke down, or disappeared into thin air. So we decided it was either because of his shit touch or because my house has tiny little gremlins that hate him. My computer kept freezing when we tried to play games, a CD Shaun bought just completely disappeared, and both of us tearing my place apart for hours didn't find it, my car was having problems starting, etc.

We checked out Lady in the Water, to mixed reviews. Shaun enjoyed it, while I thought it was horribly written, self-indulgent and completely lacking in plot development. Being an M.Night Shimyalaylalaan movie, I'd have to say it was not quite as bad as Signs, but nowhere near as good as The Village. It had some amusing moments, but it suffered from massive Deus Ex Machina syndrome, where the plot just stagnates until Shiyamalayan decides it's time to progress.

It's similar to Serenity, when the crew is at a loss of what to do - they have a bunch of clues and random bits of info but no idea how to put it all together. So they say "Let's go see Mr. Universe," a completely new character who, apparently, has all kinds of wordly information and answers to all their questions. In other words, an omniscient "God" role. I hate when stuff like this happens in movies, because the characters are essentially asking God (the director) what to do, or what something means. It's just a lazy way for the writer/director to provide essential plot information without coming up with an actual way for the characters to get the information on their own. What I also dislike about it is why wouldn't the characters just be using these marvelous sources of information the entire time? It'd be like going into a huge library and insisting on searching each book manually for the information you need, instead of just asking the librarian.

end rant.

We hit Kelowna for the day on Saturday, blew around the mall and just checking out some different places. Shaun had a huge craving for beer on the way home so we stopped at a liquor store on the way home. About 30 seconds after we left, Shaun went from slightly disappointed that the beer inside wasn't refrigerated, to dejected, to outright disgusted. We also toyed with the idea of pulling over the car on the highway and just running over to the lake and jumping in. (It was freaking hot out.)

Two new words were added to our vocabulary. The first is from Corpse Bride, a loud and redneck-ish HAAAEEEEEEEY!!! And the second is from The Ref, when Denis Leary's partner calls him and instead of Leary a cop answers, so the partner just says "Euhhhhh!" and hangs up. Both passed the field test (frequently saw use over the weekend) and have been added to such perennial faves as BAAAAAAMFIELD, UH-HUH, and OH YEAH!!

In other news, Nick moved into his new place, finally. As a result, me and Shaun devised many evil, fiendish tricks housewarming surprises we could spring on Nick. And yes, this would seem counter-productive to write about it and give away our plans, but come on, it's not like he's NOT expecting something crazy from us anyways.
