Sunday, May 28, 2006
A cinematically interesting weekend. Friday we went to X-Men 3, which marks the first time I've been to a movie on opening night in ages...perhaps ever. The movie was okay, but slightly disappointing to me. Perhaps it's because I know the actual X-Men storylines and characters and expected more than the movie gave. Oh well.

Then on Saturday we watched a movie that I knew very little about, Grandma's Boy. I had only caught brief moments of the previews on TV and I thought it looked completely stupid and disgusting. But I was pleasantly surprised, it was very silly humor, but it was hilarious nonetheless. Be warned, it takes a certain mentality to watch it. After all, it is produced by Adam Sandler's production company.

Finally, today Shaun and I started watching King Arthur, a movie I'd been curious about but never got around to watching. We didn't finish watching it, so I borrowed the DVD and am about to finish it now. It seems cool so far, though I've yet to get to the part where Kiera Knightly goes crazy Amazon, so I reserve judgement.

PS: Me and Nick also went head to head this week in Fantasy Baseball. Who won? Well the scores aren't updated yet, so I don't know. But I'll post who tomorrow.
