Monday, May 01, 2006
The Job That Never Was
This passed quietly, but I turned down a job in Kamloops a few weeks back, at the Kamloops This Week. It's a bit of a funny story, because I actually got the job without applying. My parents spotted an ad in the KTW for a part-time creative position and they informed me. I didn't really consider it, since it was only part time, but I figured that maybe I should email them saying I had seen the ad, and while I couldn't apply for this one, to keep me in mind should a full-time position open up. Lo and behold, the editor called me at work the next week saying that they had a mat-leave spot opening up, did I want to hear about the job? So we met in Kamloops that weekend and he filled me in on the details. It wasn't really full-time, but more than part-time (weird to describe), and it was only for a year, so I had to turn it down. So it's too bad that the job didn't work out, but it's also kind of funny that I got a job without even trying, and even more awesome when you consider that the position didn't even technically exist when I contacted them. I'm sure my cousin Katie will once again say that this is why some people must surely hate me.

There's a hot new rookie pitcher in MLB that's lighting it up right now named Jonathon Papelbon. I had him in my sights before the season even started, and once he got thrown into a reliever role and started dominating I grabbed him. Only then - after some "compliments" of dubious sincerity from one Mr. John Spigott - did I realize that his name was similar to that of, who else? Frank Papp. If that's not fate, I don't know what is.

My brother's leper hand
I arrived home this weekend to discover that my brother's hand has contracted leprosy. Okay, not really, but I guess the cleanser or sanitizer at his work (A&W) is wreaking havoc with the skin on his hand. It looks freaking awful. Like a horrible chemical or acid burn or something. He says it doesn't hurt but he can't move his hand. We went to the hospital on Saturday and a dermatologist prescribed some cream and ointment, and he's off work for a while. On Sunday we made a special trip down to the comic store to show Nick, the worker there who Jamie loves tormenting. Nick was thoroughly disgusted, so Jamie was pleased.

In Praise of Loopholes
The author of a site I frequent wrote an article about famous loopholes. Anyone who's played games against me or debated (read: argued) with me needs no explanation as to why I am a huge fan of loopholes.
