Old Archives (before 2005)
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transformers whos side are you on octopus or megatron
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rhino vs hippo video
You're fucking infuriating about me.
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Gangsta Rap baseball cap pictures
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fight, rhino, hippo
"Monkey in a Wagon Versus Lemur on a Big Wheel"
rhino vs hippo

I've had about four or five emails sitting in my inbox for months now, unread and thus still showing as "new" emails. They were all from me, usually sent from work - a link that I wanted to retain, a half-finished post, or some miscellaneous info. The last of these was a link to a list of items that were no longer allowed on flights. I believe this is an old list, but that's not important, what's important is to picture someone trying to bring these onto the plane, and what possible reasons they might try to have to justify it.
Finally, I know flight attacks aren't very funny, but come on, who wouldn't laugh or at least do a double-take if there was a news report saying a flight got taken over by people with throwing stars and nunchucks, aka Ninjas? Ninjas hijacking a plane would be almost as good as, oh say, Snakes On a Plane.
[posted by Rades at 2:45 PM] LINK ||
- Ammunition
- automatic weapons
- axes
- baseball bats
- BB guns
- billy clubs
- blackjacks
- blasting caps
- bows and arrows
- box cutters
- brass knuckles
- bullwhips
- cattle prods
- compressed-air guns
- corkscrews
- cricket bats
- crowbars
- disabling chemicals or gases
- dog-repellent spray
- dynamite
- fire extinguishers
- flare pistols
- golf clubs
- gun-lighters
- gunpowder
- hammers
- hand grenades
- hatchets
- hockey sticks
- hunting knives
- ice axes/icepicks
- knives (any length)
- batons; large,
- heavy tools (wrenches, pliers, etc.)
- Maceā¢
- martial-arts devices
- meat cleavers
- metal scissors with pointed tips
- nunchucks
- pellet guns
- penknives
- pepper spray
- pistols
- plastic explosives
- pool cues
- portable power drills
- portable power saws
- razor blades (unless they're in a cartridge)
- religious knives
- replica weapons
- revolvers
- rifles
- road flares
- scuba knives
- sabers
- screwdrivers
- shotguns
- ski poles
- spear guns
- starter pistols
- straight razors
- stun guns/shocking devices
- swords
- tear gas
- throwing stars
- toy transformer robots (MEGATRONNNNNNNN!!)
- toy weapons.
Finally, I know flight attacks aren't very funny, but come on, who wouldn't laugh or at least do a double-take if there was a news report saying a flight got taken over by people with throwing stars and nunchucks, aka Ninjas? Ninjas hijacking a plane would be almost as good as, oh say, Snakes On a Plane.
[posted by Rades at 2:45 PM] LINK ||