Old Archives (before 2005)
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transformers whos side are you on octopus or megatron
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You're fucking infuriating about me.
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dirt on trevor linden
Gangsta Rap baseball cap pictures
jim rome lunch with the monkey
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trevor linden has a girlfriend?
what is the name of old movie where the midas touch turns everything to shit
"fat cat falling"
why do geriatric cats moan?
wolfpack gangsta rap group
fight, rhino, hippo
"Monkey in a Wagon Versus Lemur on a Big Wheel"
rhino vs hippo

Roger: What's with the little devil guy?
Karen: He's a Fast.
Roger: A what?
Karen: A Fast, like from the Volkswagen commercial?
Roger: ...never heard of it.'
Alan: (comes over) Oh I've seen these. It's one of those Pokemon isn't it?
Karen: No, it's a Fast! Don't you people watch TV? It represents your inner fast, your inner...speed personality, and stuff! It's a Fast!
Lisa: Hmm...nope, still don't know what it is. I never watched Pokemon.
Today's the last day of the NHL season, and to quote what must be going through the heads of Todd Bertuzzi and the rest of the Vancouver, "Well, fuck." Of course, that's also going through my head since my once-mighty hockey pool team has fallen from 1st, where it reigned for much of the first half of the season, to a shameful 4th. But at least my adopted team has done well - the Flames clinched their division title the other night. And unlike bandwagoners who jumped on during their playoff run last year, I lived in Alberta for a year so I earned the right to cheer for them.
Plus, I just really hate the Canucks.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Giant rabbit terrorises town
Brian Cadman, an assistant gamekeeper on patrol, said: "We've been told to shoot on sight."
[posted by Rades at 8:57 AM] LINK ||
Karen: He's a Fast.
Roger: A what?
Karen: A Fast, like from the Volkswagen commercial?
Roger: ...never heard of it.'
Alan: (comes over) Oh I've seen these. It's one of those Pokemon isn't it?
Karen: No, it's a Fast! Don't you people watch TV? It represents your inner fast, your inner...speed personality, and stuff! It's a Fast!
Lisa: Hmm...nope, still don't know what it is. I never watched Pokemon.
Today's the last day of the NHL season, and to quote what must be going through the heads of Todd Bertuzzi and the rest of the Vancouver, "Well, fuck." Of course, that's also going through my head since my once-mighty hockey pool team has fallen from 1st, where it reigned for much of the first half of the season, to a shameful 4th. But at least my adopted team has done well - the Flames clinched their division title the other night. And unlike bandwagoners who jumped on during their playoff run last year, I lived in Alberta for a year so I earned the right to cheer for them.
Plus, I just really hate the Canucks.
Giant rabbit terrorises town
Brian Cadman, an assistant gamekeeper on patrol, said: "We've been told to shoot on sight."
[posted by Rades at 8:57 AM] LINK ||