Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Yesterday I played "Thomas and the Magical Words" for over an hour. Seriously. While my dinner grew cold. I think the thing that made me want to play it was the game ability to "Create extremely large words." (I'm serious, that's actually listed on the game website as one of the features of the game.)

Today at our mini Christmas party (where we exchanged Secret Santa gifts and had some snacks and drinks) Karen's son, who's probably like 2 or so, pointed at me from across the room and shouts "KNIGHT!" Everyone looks puzzled but he keeps doing it. Karen brings him over to make sure he's actually pointing at me and not something else, and sure enough, he keeps pointing at me and going "KNIGHT!" Karen says he really likes Knights, but no one had any idea why he thought I was one.

I'm having a tough time finding Nick a gift. It's becoming hard to outdo the previous ones. I mean, for his birthday in 2004 I gave him the Calgary Flames flag that was destroyed in many, many ways. Then for Christmas I gave him a box of about 20 hats from the Vulcan dollar store. The stakes have been raised high, so I better find something deviously awesome to spring on him.

Surprising no one, the Omega website hasn't been updated since November 2. I personally think that there will be an update in March at the earliest. Anyone else want to pick a month?
