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transformers whos side are you on octopus or megatron
cane toad cannons
rhino vs hippo video
You're fucking infuriating about me.
TELUS sweatshops
stomping cane toads
dirt on trevor linden
Gangsta Rap baseball cap pictures
jim rome lunch with the monkey
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trevor linden has a girlfriend?
what is the name of old movie where the midas touch turns everything to shit
"fat cat falling"
why do geriatric cats moan?
wolfpack gangsta rap group
fight, rhino, hippo
"Monkey in a Wagon Versus Lemur on a Big Wheel"
rhino vs hippo

Christmas has come and gone, with nary a snowflake to be seen. Hands-down Shaun has won our gift exchange this year, with Donkey Kong congo drums, a giant 2' porcelain apple-shaped cookie jar, and both Mark Davis' Bass Fishing (which is alarmingly intense, for a FISHING GAME) and a collection of Intellivision games for the PS2, which is also alarmingly intense for games 25 years old.
My brother gets all four wisdom surgically removed today, which has gotta suck. And I know, since I went through that too a few years back, although I only had two removed. Why not all four? I suppose so that years down the line I could once again go through the agonizing joy of having my mouth cut open so that RUIN YOUR LIFE, ripped out. Y'know, because I enjoyed it so much the first time.
Can you believe that no one - not my brother, not Shaun, not Ryan - would split with me on a 52" TV for only $800? Cheap bastards.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kid gets ipod for Christmas, opens box to find...meat.
I could understand if it was like, the wrong model ipod, or some speakers, or some cables, or SOMETHING computer related. But MEAT? Perhaps this will be the next wave of ipoddery: listen to your music and eat the player afterwards. (Hey, if they can put mp3 players in fake boobs, they can do it with a steak.)
[posted by Rades at 5:21 PM] LINK ||
My brother gets all four wisdom surgically removed today, which has gotta suck. And I know, since I went through that too a few years back, although I only had two removed. Why not all four? I suppose so that years down the line I could once again go through the agonizing joy of having my mouth cut open so that RUIN YOUR LIFE, ripped out. Y'know, because I enjoyed it so much the first time.
Can you believe that no one - not my brother, not Shaun, not Ryan - would split with me on a 52" TV for only $800? Cheap bastards.
Kid gets ipod for Christmas, opens box to find...meat.
I could understand if it was like, the wrong model ipod, or some speakers, or some cables, or SOMETHING computer related. But MEAT? Perhaps this will be the next wave of ipoddery: listen to your music and eat the player afterwards. (Hey, if they can put mp3 players in fake boobs, they can do it with a steak.)
[posted by Rades at 5:21 PM] LINK ||
Shaun and I went and saw Narnia last weekend. It was okay. I'm not super familiar with the book - I've read it but long ago - so I don't know how accurate it was. But the action was...ok, the characters...ok, and the special effects.........ok. It was pretty average, actually. And there were a lot of lines that weren't supposed to be funny, but for some reason were utterly hilarious to us.
Anyways, it's almost Christmas, which means it's about time for the...
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Police whack giant snow penis
Mayor bans death
There's no more room to bury the dead, they can't be cremated and laws forbid a new cemetery. So the mayor has proposed a solution: outlaw death.
40 drunken Santas go on crime rampage
[posted by Rades at 5:21 PM] LINK ||
Anyways, it's almost Christmas, which means it's about time for the...
Also, the best band name I've heard in a while: Riddlin' Kids.Police whack giant snow penis
Mayor bans death
There's no more room to bury the dead, they can't be cremated and laws forbid a new cemetery. So the mayor has proposed a solution: outlaw death.
40 drunken Santas go on crime rampage
[posted by Rades at 5:21 PM] LINK ||
Yesterday I played "Thomas and the Magical Words" for over an hour. Seriously. While my dinner grew cold. I think the thing that made me want to play it was the game ability to "Create extremely large words." (I'm serious, that's actually listed on the game website as one of the features of the game.)
Today at our mini Christmas party (where we exchanged Secret Santa gifts and had some snacks and drinks) Karen's son, who's probably like 2 or so, pointed at me from across the room and shouts "KNIGHT!" Everyone looks puzzled but he keeps doing it. Karen brings him over to make sure he's actually pointing at me and not something else, and sure enough, he keeps pointing at me and going "KNIGHT!" Karen says he really likes Knights, but no one had any idea why he thought I was one.
I'm having a tough time finding Nick a gift. It's becoming hard to outdo the previous ones. I mean, for his birthday in 2004 I gave him the Calgary Flames flag that was destroyed in many, many ways. Then for Christmas I gave him a box of about 20 hats from the Vulcan dollar store. The stakes have been raised high, so I better find something deviously awesome to spring on him.
Surprising no one, the Omega website hasn't been updated since November 2. I personally think that there will be an update in March at the earliest. Anyone else want to pick a month?
[posted by Rades at 10:25 PM] LINK ||
Today at our mini Christmas party (where we exchanged Secret Santa gifts and had some snacks and drinks) Karen's son, who's probably like 2 or so, pointed at me from across the room and shouts "KNIGHT!" Everyone looks puzzled but he keeps doing it. Karen brings him over to make sure he's actually pointing at me and not something else, and sure enough, he keeps pointing at me and going "KNIGHT!" Karen says he really likes Knights, but no one had any idea why he thought I was one.
I'm having a tough time finding Nick a gift. It's becoming hard to outdo the previous ones. I mean, for his birthday in 2004 I gave him the Calgary Flames flag that was destroyed in many, many ways. Then for Christmas I gave him a box of about 20 hats from the Vulcan dollar store. The stakes have been raised high, so I better find something deviously awesome to spring on him.
Surprising no one, the Omega website hasn't been updated since November 2. I personally think that there will be an update in March at the earliest. Anyone else want to pick a month?
[posted by Rades at 10:25 PM] LINK ||