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A few Serenity-related things I want to get off my chest. Spoilers in the first one, so highlight the white text to read it. And if you don't care or don't want to read about Serenity, stop now.
1) I've been reading about how "shocking" and "dramatic" it was when [highlight] the "I am a leaf on the wind" guy (I forget his name) died out of nowhere from a huge spike impaling him through the front of the ship. I'll admit it was shocking, but dramatic? Hardly. It's just a cheap directorial trick of Joss Whedon to make people go "Oh wow, I TOTALLY DID NOT EXPECT THAT, this movie is playing really serious and it now rocks my socks."
It would be one thing if the TV series was going to continue after, and the death of this guy would have major ramifications. But since it was CANCELLED, the death means absolutely nothing at all.
To illustrate, let's take the hugely popular Star Wars movies (original three) and look at the death of Obi-Wan Kenobi. He dies in a meaningful, heroic way that makes people remember it. That's good storytelling. It would not be good storytelling if Lucas had had Kenobi walking around on the ground and suddenly die from a brain aneurysm. That would be retarded.
2) Gotta love (and by this I mean "roll your eyes and groan") how the bad guy in the movie has this big paralyzing death grip move which we learn spells instant death, and when he goes to use it on the hero, the hero just shrugs it off and babbles some nonsense about how his nerves don't work right or something. What? Uh, okay. Might as well have just had the bad guy chop his head off and then watch in shock as the hero's body walks over and picks up the head, which says "Oh, didn't I mention? I'm actually a robot. Haha joke's on you! OIL IS MY BLOOD!!!!"
3) I was thinking where Whedon would look as a director next. He's done the Sci-Fi angle with Buffy, and now he's done the Space adventure. What would appeal to geeks next? Comic books, I thought. And then it hit me. PLEASE OH PLEASE, do not let Whedon grab the reins for a future Spider-Man movie. Because YOU KNOW it would have a scene where Mary Jane goes apeshit on some thugs or punks or maybe even Mysterio and beats them up with punches, kicks, and badly-faked karate. You know it's true.
(Yes, this was just a way for me to further emphasize my utter disgust at the way Whedon turned his very popular Starship Cowboy-themed series into what was essentially "Buffy in Space.")
[posted by Rades at 9:06 PM] LINK ||
1) I've been reading about how "shocking" and "dramatic" it was when [highlight] the "I am a leaf on the wind" guy (I forget his name) died out of nowhere from a huge spike impaling him through the front of the ship. I'll admit it was shocking, but dramatic? Hardly. It's just a cheap directorial trick of Joss Whedon to make people go "Oh wow, I TOTALLY DID NOT EXPECT THAT, this movie is playing really serious and it now rocks my socks."
It would be one thing if the TV series was going to continue after, and the death of this guy would have major ramifications. But since it was CANCELLED, the death means absolutely nothing at all.
To illustrate, let's take the hugely popular Star Wars movies (original three) and look at the death of Obi-Wan Kenobi. He dies in a meaningful, heroic way that makes people remember it. That's good storytelling. It would not be good storytelling if Lucas had had Kenobi walking around on the ground and suddenly die from a brain aneurysm. That would be retarded.
2) Gotta love (and by this I mean "roll your eyes and groan") how the bad guy in the movie has this big paralyzing death grip move which we learn spells instant death, and when he goes to use it on the hero, the hero just shrugs it off and babbles some nonsense about how his nerves don't work right or something. What? Uh, okay. Might as well have just had the bad guy chop his head off and then watch in shock as the hero's body walks over and picks up the head, which says "Oh, didn't I mention? I'm actually a robot. Haha joke's on you! OIL IS MY BLOOD!!!!"
3) I was thinking where Whedon would look as a director next. He's done the Sci-Fi angle with Buffy, and now he's done the Space adventure. What would appeal to geeks next? Comic books, I thought. And then it hit me. PLEASE OH PLEASE, do not let Whedon grab the reins for a future Spider-Man movie. Because YOU KNOW it would have a scene where Mary Jane goes apeshit on some thugs or punks or maybe even Mysterio and beats them up with punches, kicks, and badly-faked karate. You know it's true.
(Yes, this was just a way for me to further emphasize my utter disgust at the way Whedon turned his very popular Starship Cowboy-themed series into what was essentially "Buffy in Space.")
[posted by Rades at 9:06 PM] LINK ||