Old Archives (before 2005)
Search Engine Hall of Fame
transformers whos side are you on octopus or megatron
cane toad cannons
rhino vs hippo video
You're fucking infuriating about me.
TELUS sweatshops
stomping cane toads
dirt on trevor linden
Gangsta Rap baseball cap pictures
jim rome lunch with the monkey
what is pirateism
trevor linden has a girlfriend?
what is the name of old movie where the midas touch turns everything to shit
"fat cat falling"
why do geriatric cats moan?
wolfpack gangsta rap group
fight, rhino, hippo
"Monkey in a Wagon Versus Lemur on a Big Wheel"
rhino vs hippo

Finally, that awful screaming noise is gone. Rejoice!
People I Hate:
- Ashlee Simpson (just too many reasons)
- Jack Black (utter contempt)
- Paris Hilton (but who doesn't? she almost doesn't count)
- Kirsten Dunst (cold, cruel bitch)
Ashlee Simpson drunk and asking people to kiss her feet in McDonalds
Jack Black, amazingly enough, is the one I hate least of all. Mostly because he goes and does the things I hate him for (make awful music, play the same character in every single movie he's ever been in) but then I never hear from him otherwise. I know he's in King Kong, so I'm not going to go see it. But do I hear about him? Do I hear him babble about giant monkeys and how wicked they are and how he'd want a giant monkey - all of which I would fully expect him to say? No, I do not. By the way, have you seen The Jackal? Favourite Jack Black movie ever. Because he gets shot and killed by a giant land cannon manned by Bruce Willis.
Paris Hilton hadn't been in the news for a while. So she went and bought a monkey. Moving on...
Kirsten Dunst said a while back that she won't do more than the three Spider-Man movies she signed on for, "unless they pay me an exorbitant amount of money." It's nice to know that she's so dedicated to her fans. And I suppose $6 million doesn't qualify as an "exorbitant" amount of money.
People Who Might/Probably Hate Me:
- The girl who writes that Sexy in Milwaukee blog I linked a while back
- Lindsay Henderson, a girl obsessed with a computer game Ragnarok Online, and fell in love with Jeremy online and freaked when we "abandoned" her
- The dad who found my site after I posted pictures of his ugly child
- Nick
- The guy who hacked into my eBay account before I caught him, located him, and reported him to ebay's fraud department
- People looking for the Ranch Tooth commercials and instead finding my odd, screaming blog
[posted by Rades at 2:59 AM] LINK ||
People I Hate:
- Ashlee Simpson (just too many reasons)
- Jack Black (utter contempt)
- Paris Hilton (but who doesn't? she almost doesn't count)
- Kirsten Dunst (cold, cruel bitch)
Ashlee Simpson drunk and asking people to kiss her feet in McDonalds
Jack Black, amazingly enough, is the one I hate least of all. Mostly because he goes and does the things I hate him for (make awful music, play the same character in every single movie he's ever been in) but then I never hear from him otherwise. I know he's in King Kong, so I'm not going to go see it. But do I hear about him? Do I hear him babble about giant monkeys and how wicked they are and how he'd want a giant monkey - all of which I would fully expect him to say? No, I do not. By the way, have you seen The Jackal? Favourite Jack Black movie ever. Because he gets shot and killed by a giant land cannon manned by Bruce Willis.
Paris Hilton hadn't been in the news for a while. So she went and bought a monkey. Moving on...
Kirsten Dunst said a while back that she won't do more than the three Spider-Man movies she signed on for, "unless they pay me an exorbitant amount of money." It's nice to know that she's so dedicated to her fans. And I suppose $6 million doesn't qualify as an "exorbitant" amount of money.
People Who Might/Probably Hate Me:
- The girl who writes that Sexy in Milwaukee blog I linked a while back
- Lindsay Henderson, a girl obsessed with a computer game Ragnarok Online, and fell in love with Jeremy online and freaked when we "abandoned" her
- The dad who found my site after I posted pictures of his ugly child
- Nick
- The guy who hacked into my eBay account before I caught him, located him, and reported him to ebay's fraud department
- People looking for the Ranch Tooth commercials and instead finding my odd, screaming blog
[posted by Rades at 2:59 AM] LINK ||