Old Archives (before 2005)
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rhino vs hippo video
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Gangsta Rap baseball cap pictures
jim rome lunch with the monkey
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what is the name of old movie where the midas touch turns everything to shit
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wolfpack gangsta rap group
fight, rhino, hippo
"Monkey in a Wagon Versus Lemur on a Big Wheel"
rhino vs hippo

Good times with Shaun this weekend, Friday he tried out the new Matrix game for ps2, which completely sucked ass, then got moderately cooler, but then settled at a level of mediocrity. My ps2 at one point froze which pissed us off, until I rattled it against the TV stand violently which immediately solved the problem.
Saturday Shaun was apparently drunk or high on some form of exotic fern or something. After some disastrous misadventures in Burger King, we hacked around for a while at home, then started sending MSN Voice Clips to people, which led into an impromptu half-session radio show, in which we asked the timeless question, which would win in a fight to the death, a hippo or a rhino? The hippo got off to an early lead in votes, but the rhino caught up and tied the score. We asked my brother for the tiebreaking vote, but he said "giraffe" so that was no help.
Then that night we decided to go to Kelowna, partly for something to do but mainly to meet this girl Shaun had been talking to online for a while. Turns out Kelowna's a lot closer than I realized. So we got there and phoned them and there was no answer, so we killed time by driving randomly around town and getting lost. We eventually met up with her and her friend at the Chapters Starbucks. I there discovered that you can get any Starbucks coffee as an iced coffee. I also discovered that not all coffees make good iced coffees. A caramel macchiatto works well hot - the heat dissolves or mixes the caramel or whatever, I suppose. But in iced form it kind of just lumps and semi-solidifies. It was still okay but definitely an odd drink experience.
After chilling there for a bit, we headed back, played some games and then watched Four Brothers, though Shaun today could not remember the ending, despite his being fully awake and conscious while we watched it.
[posted by Rades at 3:41 PM] LINK ||
Saturday Shaun was apparently drunk or high on some form of exotic fern or something. After some disastrous misadventures in Burger King, we hacked around for a while at home, then started sending MSN Voice Clips to people, which led into an impromptu half-session radio show, in which we asked the timeless question, which would win in a fight to the death, a hippo or a rhino? The hippo got off to an early lead in votes, but the rhino caught up and tied the score. We asked my brother for the tiebreaking vote, but he said "giraffe" so that was no help.
Then that night we decided to go to Kelowna, partly for something to do but mainly to meet this girl Shaun had been talking to online for a while. Turns out Kelowna's a lot closer than I realized. So we got there and phoned them and there was no answer, so we killed time by driving randomly around town and getting lost. We eventually met up with her and her friend at the Chapters Starbucks. I there discovered that you can get any Starbucks coffee as an iced coffee. I also discovered that not all coffees make good iced coffees. A caramel macchiatto works well hot - the heat dissolves or mixes the caramel or whatever, I suppose. But in iced form it kind of just lumps and semi-solidifies. It was still okay but definitely an odd drink experience.
After chilling there for a bit, we headed back, played some games and then watched Four Brothers, though Shaun today could not remember the ending, despite his being fully awake and conscious while we watched it.
[posted by Rades at 3:41 PM] LINK ||