Old Archives (before 2005)
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rhino vs hippo video
You're fucking infuriating about me.
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Gangsta Rap baseball cap pictures
jim rome lunch with the monkey
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trevor linden has a girlfriend?
what is the name of old movie where the midas touch turns everything to shit
"fat cat falling"
why do geriatric cats moan?
wolfpack gangsta rap group
fight, rhino, hippo
"Monkey in a Wagon Versus Lemur on a Big Wheel"
rhino vs hippo

Just got back from our staff Christmas Party. Yep, in November. Don't ask me why. It was a thing at a golf course lounge, EXTREMELY good food and some free drinks. Yay free booze! It was semi-formal so it was neat to see everyone looking all dressy and nice instead of resigned-to-work attire. And the food was unreal. A feast if ever there was one.
Everyone got one prize guaranteed, I got some Tim Horton's special coffee and two mugs, and two Vernon Vipers hockey tickets. I would have checked them out but the game was Sunday, and I'm headed to the loops tomorrow morning till Sunday eve, so I gave them away. I tried to trade my stuff for a model car (no purpose, just a car, so naturally I wanted it from the get-go) but it was already spoken for.
When my name was pulled Kevin announced "Michael Buble" (pronounced boobley) which is the name one of the women at work, Lynnaya, immediately bestowed upon me, on like my second day of work. I have since found out that "Michael Buble" is some kind of singer, and that Shaun knows who he is.
Kevin also refused to give any of the female staff their prize unless they kissed him on the cheek. Not surprisingly, he was the one who later engaged in a one-man karaoke show, much to the groans and boos coming from the tables.
Renee was the last drawn name, and won four green fee coupons for Predator Ridge, a super expensive and high-class golf course here. What a weird name for a golf course, huh? Immediately after she sat down, Mark (the publisher, whose prize was a single mug and coffee pack and a weird single-mug "warmer") came over and tried to trade his stuff for the tickets. He then left, but returned a moment later upping his offer with a lamp he stole off his table. She ended up trading the tix for some genuinely nice jewellery someone else had won. Diamonds earrings and etc.
So grand prize time, I really would not have minded any of them, but especially a camcorder/digital camera (it actually had two lenses, one for each purpose, which I had never seen before). "Michael Buble!!" was announced though, for a handheld tape recorder, like the kind reporters use. Good thing I do a lot of reporting. =P Still good though, I've wanted one for a while to carry with me to record random thoughts.
[posted by Rades at 11:59 PM] LINK ||
Everyone got one prize guaranteed, I got some Tim Horton's special coffee and two mugs, and two Vernon Vipers hockey tickets. I would have checked them out but the game was Sunday, and I'm headed to the loops tomorrow morning till Sunday eve, so I gave them away. I tried to trade my stuff for a model car (no purpose, just a car, so naturally I wanted it from the get-go) but it was already spoken for.
When my name was pulled Kevin announced "Michael Buble" (pronounced boobley) which is the name one of the women at work, Lynnaya, immediately bestowed upon me, on like my second day of work. I have since found out that "Michael Buble" is some kind of singer, and that Shaun knows who he is.
Kevin also refused to give any of the female staff their prize unless they kissed him on the cheek. Not surprisingly, he was the one who later engaged in a one-man karaoke show, much to the groans and boos coming from the tables.
Renee was the last drawn name, and won four green fee coupons for Predator Ridge, a super expensive and high-class golf course here. What a weird name for a golf course, huh? Immediately after she sat down, Mark (the publisher, whose prize was a single mug and coffee pack and a weird single-mug "warmer") came over and tried to trade his stuff for the tickets. He then left, but returned a moment later upping his offer with a lamp he stole off his table. She ended up trading the tix for some genuinely nice jewellery someone else had won. Diamonds earrings and etc.
So grand prize time, I really would not have minded any of them, but especially a camcorder/digital camera (it actually had two lenses, one for each purpose, which I had never seen before). "Michael Buble!!" was announced though, for a handheld tape recorder, like the kind reporters use. Good thing I do a lot of reporting. =P Still good though, I've wanted one for a while to carry with me to record random thoughts.
[posted by Rades at 11:59 PM] LINK ||