Wednesday, October 12, 2005
First visit back to Kamloops last weekend, enjoyed some quality hanging with friends and some quality sleep and oh yes some quality Thanksgiving food. Good times. Shaun also gave me, as "return to BC" gifts, a "The Longest Yard" metal football keychain, a "Sahara" wallet, and a Movie Gallery id tag that its workers wear, with "DECO" as the name. Awesome.

We saw Serenity on Friday.

Not so awesome.

It's an okay movie for the most part, but then Joss Whedon goes total cheese and, in a space-cowboy-adventure movie, gives us a teen girl fighting what appear to be orcs from Lord of the Rings. Mr. Whedon, I'd like to inform you that the horse is dead, and you're no longer beating it, you're now defiling its corpse. Stop, just stop.

Since the NHL season is once again underway, it's time for the online stuff:

Puck You! - Our hockey blog, created during the 2003-04 playoffs, but resurrected for general hockey talk! Get posting, Nick, Al, Mel, etc.!

Daily Deco, NHL Style - Like the Gretzky/McSorley story in the previous post, I'm going to start posting Daily Deco NHL stories on a regular basis, on this blog. So far I've done one major story and a few short ones, but I like them all so far.

Also, with hockey comes Sports Pools. I entered a hockey pool at work with 19(!) other people. Eight players each, $40 entry, snake draft, total points only. I got pick 13. LUCKY THIRTEEN? We shall see. My picks were:
1. Heatley
2. Palffy
3. Prospal
4. Zetterberg
5. Vborny
6. Shanahan
7. Kvasha
8. Ribiero

So far I'm doing well. After Monday's games, I was in first. I dropped to second after Tuesday's, but still kicking ass.

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Sexy in Milwaukee: An online journal in a "Carrie Bradshaw" style.
And of course, within six months, she's pregnant. Go figure.
