Sunday, October 30, 2005
Shaun visited last weekend, we went around and blew around Vernon for a while, got screamers. We went to Triple Burger on Friday night to try it out, very good burgers for cheap. Shaun ordered first and they asked him if he wanted ketchup or "Red Sauce" and not knowing what red sauce was, he got that. He couldn't figure out what it was. And it was sorta orange. The closest we could figure was that it seemed like a mix of ketchup, relish and mustard.

We didn't go and see a movie, seeing as the only possible choice would have been DOOM. Instead we played lots of games, including one that is supposed to be just awful, called Flat Out, a racing game where when you crash, your body goes flying through the windshield, limp as a rag doll. Needless to say we loved this game and played it for hours, including spending an hour on a single jump where we could crash into a building in mid-air and see who could launch our driver the farthest.

Last week I began thinking of what I could do for a halloween costume, since Melissa J and I were going to go to Jay Hewlett's Halloween party on Friday night. I wanted to go as something really annoying. I thought of Burger King's "The King" but it would be too I decided to go as the Ranch Tooth from the Wendy's commercials. Or more specifically, the guy with the Ranch Tooth. So I spent every day after work last week making a 2' Ranch Tooth out of chickenwire and paper mache and spraypaint. It looked pretty good, and I had a speaker inserted inside hooked up to my mp3 player, which was loaded with sound clips from the commercial. So at the party, everyone laughed when they saw the tooth, and laughed even harder when they discovered it actually said RANCH RANCH RANCH.

Speaking of the party, Shaun decided to come too, but we couldn't come up with a cricket bat for him to go as Shaun from Shaun of the Dead. So Friday evening we picked him up and we checked the car for props he could use to whip up a costume. He ended up having a Steven Seagal movie poster, for the movie 'Today You Die' taped to his chest, a pair of huge pink sunglasses, a Mike Eng - Vulcan Advocate business card taped to his hat, and a discman with a bizarre mix cd of ABBA, Simon & Garfunkle, and other weird, weird tunes. His costume? BAD TASTE. It was surprisingly popular, considering how last-minute it was.

And just in case the Ranch Tooth wasn't annoying enough, we ended up putting Shaun's discman with the ABBA/other weird stuff in the tooth, so it was an ABBA-playing Ranch Tooth. Talk about horrifying.

And as of last night, I'm still in 1st place in my work hockey pool.

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The Ranch Tooth commercials, online!
