Old Archives (before 2005)
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Gangsta Rap baseball cap pictures
jim rome lunch with the monkey
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trevor linden has a girlfriend?
what is the name of old movie where the midas touch turns everything to shit
"fat cat falling"
why do geriatric cats moan?
wolfpack gangsta rap group
fight, rhino, hippo
"Monkey in a Wagon Versus Lemur on a Big Wheel"
rhino vs hippo

Things I plan to do this weekend:
- Go to TRIPLE BURGER with Shaun, a gas-station-looking hamburger shop whose claim to fame is three burgers for $3.33. When I first saw this place, I immediately said to myself "Okay, that's unquestionably where me and Shaun are going when he comes to visit."
And that's about it, in terms of planning at least. I'm not real big on the whole "planning ahead" concept. I'm sure we'll check out a movie though. Hopefully better than the great blazing bags of crap we've been seeing lately.
An update on pools. I will begrudgingly and bitterly put it to record that John B. Spigott did indeed live up to his braggadocio and emerge victorious in the baseball pool. As soon as I lost my playoff match and was out of the running for 1st, I stopped paying attention, and came in 4th overall. So standings:
Regular Season (out of 10 teams):
Mike 1st, Spigs 2nd, Mark 4th (which is amazing...for Mark), Nick 9th
Playoffs: Spigs 1st, Mike 4th, Mark 5th.
So while I am disappointed Spigs won the pool, I can at least take consolation in the fact that I once again soundly trounced Mr. Greenizan.
In 1883, the inventor of Dynamite was born. Also in 1982 DJ JAZZY ED was born! Ed's currently going to school in Hartford, former home of the indomitable Hartford Whalers.
* * * * * * * * * * TRU MOCKERY DAY * * * * * * * * * *
The TRU Omega
Updated regularly! And by regularly I mean not at all since September 14.
The TRU Soccer Uniforms
A number of points. 1) What, did TRU get a discount on some used prison uniforms? 2) Five-year-olds playing soccer have color-coordinated shorts and shirts. Orange + orange is not color-coordination. 3) This is TRU's logo. It's nice to that they didn't just grab the uniform colors completely randomly out of thin air or anything. 4) Wolves: Brown, grey, white, black. And now, apparently, bright neon orange. 5) Orange & Black. Great look, if you're a lifejacket or a road sign, and 6) Seriously, they're just ugly. Really, really ugly.
[posted by Rades at 12:14 AM] LINK ||
- Go to TRIPLE BURGER with Shaun, a gas-station-looking hamburger shop whose claim to fame is three burgers for $3.33. When I first saw this place, I immediately said to myself "Okay, that's unquestionably where me and Shaun are going when he comes to visit."
And that's about it, in terms of planning at least. I'm not real big on the whole "planning ahead" concept. I'm sure we'll check out a movie though. Hopefully better than the great blazing bags of crap we've been seeing lately.
An update on pools. I will begrudgingly and bitterly put it to record that John B. Spigott did indeed live up to his braggadocio and emerge victorious in the baseball pool. As soon as I lost my playoff match and was out of the running for 1st, I stopped paying attention, and came in 4th overall. So standings:
Regular Season (out of 10 teams):
Mike 1st, Spigs 2nd, Mark 4th (which is amazing...for Mark), Nick 9th
Playoffs: Spigs 1st, Mike 4th, Mark 5th.
So while I am disappointed Spigs won the pool, I can at least take consolation in the fact that I once again soundly trounced Mr. Greenizan.
In 1883, the inventor of Dynamite was born. Also in 1982 DJ JAZZY ED was born! Ed's currently going to school in Hartford, former home of the indomitable Hartford Whalers.
The TRU Omega
Updated regularly! And by regularly I mean not at all since September 14.
The TRU Soccer Uniforms
A number of points. 1) What, did TRU get a discount on some used prison uniforms? 2) Five-year-olds playing soccer have color-coordinated shorts and shirts. Orange + orange is not color-coordination. 3) This is TRU's logo. It's nice to that they didn't just grab the uniform colors completely randomly out of thin air or anything. 4) Wolves: Brown, grey, white, black. And now, apparently, bright neon orange. 5) Orange & Black. Great look, if you're a lifejacket or a road sign, and 6) Seriously, they're just ugly. Really, really ugly.
[posted by Rades at 12:14 AM] LINK ||