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This weekend was a good one. First, I won our Regular Season standings in the baseball pool, beating out Spigs (The Green Bastard) FINALLY. There is still the Playoff rounds, but I am taking this opportunity to gloat mightily over the vanquished John B. Spigott.
Secondly, and I guess more importantly, I got a job in Vernon(!) At the Vernon Morning Star, and lined up a place to live there all over a few days. The story of my application is somewhat interesting...5 hours before it was due, I was still debating over whether to apply or not. The last job I applied to was of course, the one in Vulcan, and since then I've switched computers. This comes into play here because well, my resumes were all on my old computer, and it seems I forgot to transfer them over.
So at lunch the day the applications were due, I dug through my "MSN Received Files" folder to see what I had to work with. The results were a) a cover letter from Nick for his application to the Peace Arch News, b) a resume from Jenn that she had gotten me to proofread, and c) my barebones-resume website I had done for Online Journalism. So I took those to work and tossed them together for a few hours and sent off the resume right at 5pm Alberta (and 4 pm BC) time. A few days later, I went for an interview in Lethbridge. I got interviewed by a dude who works at a business there that is in the same company as the Morning Star, and he passed the info on to Vernon. Kind of strange, but hey, it saved me a trip to Vernon, Also, continuing my odd string of luck here, on the way out of the Advocate that morning, I grabbed a copy of the paper to bring as an afterthought, which was a GREAT decision because that was what 90% of the interview ended up being based off.
A few days after that, I sent the Vernon publisher a few samples of my work via email, then got a call the next day saying I had gotten the job. As my cousin Katie said this weekend, "You just know there's some super serious people who worked on their resumes for days before sending it off and then here's Mike who does a resume in like an hour and gets the job. These people must HATE you."
Conclusion? Yeah, probably, BUT I STILL FREAKING RULE!
[posted by Rades at 11:41 AM] LINK ||

This weekend was a good one. First, I won our Regular Season standings in the baseball pool, beating out Spigs (The Green Bastard) FINALLY. There is still the Playoff rounds, but I am taking this opportunity to gloat mightily over the vanquished John B. Spigott.
Secondly, and I guess more importantly, I got a job in Vernon(!) At the Vernon Morning Star, and lined up a place to live there all over a few days. The story of my application is somewhat interesting...5 hours before it was due, I was still debating over whether to apply or not. The last job I applied to was of course, the one in Vulcan, and since then I've switched computers. This comes into play here because well, my resumes were all on my old computer, and it seems I forgot to transfer them over.
So at lunch the day the applications were due, I dug through my "MSN Received Files" folder to see what I had to work with. The results were a) a cover letter from Nick for his application to the Peace Arch News, b) a resume from Jenn that she had gotten me to proofread, and c) my barebones-resume website I had done for Online Journalism. So I took those to work and tossed them together for a few hours and sent off the resume right at 5pm Alberta (and 4 pm BC) time. A few days later, I went for an interview in Lethbridge. I got interviewed by a dude who works at a business there that is in the same company as the Morning Star, and he passed the info on to Vernon. Kind of strange, but hey, it saved me a trip to Vernon, Also, continuing my odd string of luck here, on the way out of the Advocate that morning, I grabbed a copy of the paper to bring as an afterthought, which was a GREAT decision because that was what 90% of the interview ended up being based off.
A few days after that, I sent the Vernon publisher a few samples of my work via email, then got a call the next day saying I had gotten the job. As my cousin Katie said this weekend, "You just know there's some super serious people who worked on their resumes for days before sending it off and then here's Mike who does a resume in like an hour and gets the job. These people must HATE you."
Conclusion? Yeah, probably, BUT I STILL FREAKING RULE!
[posted by Rades at 11:41 AM] LINK ||