Friday, September 16, 2005
The Nintendo Revolution controller(s) were revealed the other day. Apparently according to an article at, the controller is a remote-control shaped thing you use in one hand, and there's an attachment with a single analog stick for the other hand.

photos from click here for more pictures.

1st Impression: WHAT THE HELL


Am I the only one who finds this completely bizarre? I am extremely leery about the idea of the controller being reduced down to a single stick, a single button, and maybe a trigger button or two. It's an extremely inefficient use of hand/finger positioning. Also, it's yet another remote to be lost. That may sound dumb but we all know it's true.

Also, what is with Nintendo making devices now that a kitten could snap in half? The NES, SNES and Gameboy units were all extremely sturdy. The n64 controller, despite it's fragile appearance, was surprisingly durable as well. And the SP and Gamecube units seem pretty solid. But the DS is horribly weak (after like a day you can feel the flip-top hinge weakening) and this thing looks very crushable (though at least it's thick).

I guess it'd be good for like, a fishing game, or a sword-fighting game, or whatever, where you "wield" the remote control, but even THAT is only if the control is extremely responsive and fluid in receiving your motions. After all, isn't that what people thought the Power Glove would be like? Games with the similarly-functioned (I assume) Guncon are among my favorite games, so maybe it'll work out well...IN THAT NICHE where you have to directly point at the screen.

The idea that you can play with either hand is kind of cool, but I'd rather it be an option (like Earthbound) rather than a necessity. Also, due to the nature of needing the controller "face up" when you play, it doesn't seem to be gripped very well in your hand. When you play PS2, the controller is gripped and balanced - it's not going anywhere. This thing, I foresee playing a fast game, when you press a button too hard and suddenly the whole thing is slipping out of your grasp.

I dunno. I was apprehensive of the n64 controller too, but at least that one MADE SENSE and was an actual controller. Maybe this one will turn out okay. It sure seems weird though.

Whatever happened to the days where you could throw a controller against the wall and the only potential damage would be to the wall? I miss those controllers.
