Friday, September 23, 2005
Well I'm in Vernon, had my first day of work today. Too weary from filling out the 26,452 forms that a new job requires, so instead of writing an interesting and picture-ful road trip journey post, I'll instead write about the new police drama show I just watched, Criminal Minds.

It's about a CSI-type team, but instead of forensics, they use psychology and profiling to catch crooks. Decent twist, nice characters, I might watch more of it.

Anyways, the protagonist is Gideon, an older guy who's been on medical leave for depression. The premiere episode has him return to the job, and the guy in charge has to write a report about whether he's fit to return to duty. The show proceeds, Gideon finds the crook and saves the victim, and now the dude's gotta write his report.

How hilarious would it be if the series just ended there? If the episode ended with a close up of the papers, "NOT FIT FOR DUTY" and that was the only show in the series? THE END! That's what I would do. And that's why I should never be rich and in charge of a TV show.

edit: Annnnd to add my cynical bit for today, I just saw a story about a "brave little boy recovering from burns to over 90% of his body." Yeah, okay, but want to know how he got the burns? WHEN THE GASOLINE HE AND A PLAYMATE POURED ON A SLIDE SUDDENLY IGNITED. Brave? Um no. Incredibly stupid? Complete utter moron? Completely freaking retarded? Yes, yes, and yes.

edit 2: Jay Leno has some weird motorbike he's getting celebrities to sign. I don't know why, but it's AWESOME because in the middle of Leno's monologue, WILLIAM SHATNER BLOWS ONTO THE STAGE, out of nowhere! I laughed. Then when guest Jodi Foster entered, a hairy, bearded, scruffy stage technician carried her out. That was funny, but it was even funnier when I realized that the bearded guy was actually Mel Gibson.
