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So. Harry Potter. Hopefully he's grown out of that Emo phase.
Actually, with the big tragedy in the latest book, maybe in the next book he'll be all out for revenge. The title could be Harry Potter and the Assassination Contract. He could hire Tom Cruise - hell, Cruise would probably go after the big V himself and try to convert him to Scientology. Then the world would REALLY be in danger.
Or maybe Potter could get creative in his potions class and mix up a Frankenstein-ish combination. Picture the dramatic showdown! A transformed Potter rampages into Voldemort's castle and pummels everything in his path. "POTTER SMASH!" or "I'm not the 92 lb. weakling you kicked sand on, Voldemort! Thanks to hard work, a strictly regimented diet, and the help of the magical potion STEROIDS!"
Or Voldemort could get a henchman who's capable of actually killing someone. There's an idea. He clearly should read the Evil Overlord Handbook.
* may be completely untrue
I've been thrust back into the Anime series landscape, thanks to the Sanman recommending Samurai Champloo, which is by the makers (or director, or something...some kind of link) of Cowboy Bebop. I watched the series in less time than it took to download (it took 25 hours to download) and overall it's quite a good one. It's got a good mix of humor, historic fun, wicked action and decent drama. Unfortunately the association with Bebop inevitably draws comparisons, and comparing the two, I enjoyed Bebop much more. Champloo has some good humor and distinct hip-hop style that's really fun and unique, but underneath the flash it's essentially a really standard, unoriginal storyline. Also, 2 of the 3 main characters are actually pretty boring. That being said, it's still a really good show and I recommend it to anyone who likes Bebop or Trigun. Also, the more interesting main character's fighting style is a breakdancing style, which is so utterly bizarre but awesome to watch.
I've also downloaded Wolf's Rain, which is again by the Bebop team (somehow). I've only watched one episode and so far it's kind of weird, and that's about all I can say really.
[posted by Rades at 8:24 AM] LINK ||