Old Archives (before 2005)
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Gangsta Rap baseball cap pictures
jim rome lunch with the monkey
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trevor linden has a girlfriend?
what is the name of old movie where the midas touch turns everything to shit
"fat cat falling"
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wolfpack gangsta rap group
fight, rhino, hippo
"Monkey in a Wagon Versus Lemur on a Big Wheel"
rhino vs hippo

The good thing about having an assistant? (technically I'm training him) He does all the work! And the funny part is, that's actually how it's supposed to be, too, so that he can encounter problems and ask me for help. The bad part is I can't really slack off/check baseball scores/read magazines etc. on the job right now, since I'm training him. Oh well.
With all the Star Wars buzz lately, here's a SW-related item. I found this blog called "The Darth Side" (http://darthside.blogspot.com) that is the personal blog of Darth Vader. As funny as this sounds, it's not actually related (very much) to the recent movie. Instead it's set during the time of the first trilogy, and it's all of Vader's personal thoughts, motivations, and inner dialogue. It's actually a REALLY, REALLY good read. I'm not even a huge Star Wars fan, but I read every single post last night, unable to stop. It's some of the best writing I've read in ages - clever, funny, accurate to the movies, and honestly beautiful at points. Do yourself a favor and read it. There's not that many entries, so it won't take a long time. Here's one of my favourite posts: "Blasted Contractors!"
The Darth Side: Memoirs of a Monster
In case you missed the link above.
[posted by Rades at 9:09 PM] LINK ||