Thursday, May 12, 2005
Currently listening to: The Art House, FF6 Soundtrack

It's crash and burn day! I have no real logical reason why, but I was up till 5 am last night and got maybe half an hour's sleep before coming to work today. So I doubt the following spewing of verbiage will make little cohesive sense, but I digress, and instead will just say that Nick is a bastard.

Some day I want to be asked a difficult question where I can say "I plead the fifth!" which is a phrase I have heard many times before but never really understood until recently. It's got some background in US law, where the fifth amendment means you don't have to answer on the grounds that your answer would endanger you or harm you no matter what you answered, or something to that effect.

Again, I didn't really understand until I saw an example that was basically like this: two of your female friends confront you and ask you which one is hotter. Clearly there is no answer that will get you out of that one alive. Hence, "I plead the fifth!"

(In retrospect I guess it's more of an actual legal term than a silly answer, but I wouldn't want to have to answer it in a serious context, just a fun one.)

One of the weirder things I've done recently is use a loaf of bread as a pillow. My left elbow was really sore after some long work hours one day (my elbows/arms rest on my desk edge which sometimes is annoyingly unyielding) and all I had available at home to serve as a small pillow was an loaf of bread that was past the expiry date. Sounds odd but it worked, and didn't even explode into little pillowy bits like Shaun's REAL pillow did a while ago.

It seems the number of times I'll watch a show that I'm on the fence on is two. By this I mean I will watch a show twice to give it a fair chance to impress me, even if I already make fun of it. Making the Cut was one that I had high expectations for, but actually found really boring. Recently I added another show to this list, which is The OC, starring the willow twig known as Mischa Barton, whose great claim to acting fame (which I love imitating) is paraphrased as such: (I know it's not completely accurate but the gist is there)

Some other person: "Is something wrong?"
Mischa Barton: "AAARRRUUUGUGGHHAARUUUUUUUUUUHhhHHH!!!!!!" *throws patio chair in pool*

I'm happy to report that 24 removed itself from the list. Before watching it, I was pretty neutral, despite all the hype and whatnot. I've watched two episodes now. In the first, a female FBI agent (I think) is in a building that has some kind of gas in it, and the people inside have been infected and are not allowed to leave. One dude decides to call her bluff and tries to leave and BLAM! she guns him down. Nice. Second episode? A guy is in an embassy or some kind of "safe" place but Jack Bauer needs him so what does he do, KIDNAP HIM AND ESCAPE AMIDST HEAVY GUNFIRE. I was way too entertained by this.

But my best example of this practice is with Sex and the City, of the "already making fun of" variety. I watched it twice and was suitably irritated both times, wishing horrible maimings in the form of large, out of control busses would suddenly befall the characters.

I just had an awesome mental cinematic. The SatC four is sitting in some trendy coffee shop or whatever, drinking and discussing their shoes, purses, men, etc.
Kim Catrall: So today I've only slept with eleven people. IT'S LIKE I'M A VIRGIN!
Sarah Jessica Parker: omg blah aidan blah lol blah shoes like blah fashion sex blah column blah sex
Redhead: [something witty]
Boring girl: [something boring]
Kim Catrall: Man I sure am glad I went to Whore College.
Sarah Jessica Parker: omg!! lol
* bus smashes through window, sends girls, Minola Blahniks and Gucci bags flying everywhere*
Matt Silver: BUS-TED!


I was going to try to think of more to write but I think I'll leave it here. I can't top those last lines, and god help me if I spelled "Minola Blahniks" correctly.
