Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Today was Jenn's birthday! She's the one in the picture above, bravely fighting off a ferocious tumbleweed. Go visit her blog and leave her happy/congratulatory/utterly confusing messages!

It's too bad it was during the week, but hopefully there'll be some kind of wild shindig on the weekend so that we might properly celebrate the greatness that is JENN!

Although she's no longer in Bamfield, so we can't do the BAAAAAAAAAMFIELD shout anymore. Ah well.

In closing, I will just say that Jenn is lucky I am not at home, for I do not have access to the many, many, many terrific pictures of her that are there. ;)

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Star Wars Gangsta Rap Special Edition
We saw Episode III tonight and kept quietly shouting out bits of this at random moments.

Darth Vader blog, revisited
I just linked this a while back, but the author has organized the entries into proper chronological order.
