Friday, February 25, 2005
Once upon a time, when dragons danced like ballerinas upon marble toadstools and the Queen of Michigan lay waste to a thousand tiny wicker men with her furious laser bionic eyebeams, there was a little thing floating around on the web called the Friday Five. This consisted of a set of five somewhat related questions that was posted on a website that people could copy and paste on their blogs, livejournals, melodramatics or what have you, and answer the questions. The questions varied. Some were standard and pretty mundane, while others were more imaginative.

The Friday Five official site died a while back and so I stopped doing them. But I'm going to start making my own, and I encourage anyone reading them to copy the questions and write their own answers either in a comment or on their own site, if you have one. Or make your own! We shall call this the Marquis of Montana rules, in honour of the first Montana Marquis, Dave Modano.

1. What has been the best "out-of-nowhere" fluke find you have made? Shaun of the Dead, which I found by noticing the name in the paper and thinking it was a spelling mistake.
2. What's something you find yourself "finding" repeatedly? Wallet is a big one, time to sleep would be a definite second one.
3. Quick it's hide and seek. Where is somewhere in your house you could hide really, really well? In our old couch, like literally INSIDE the couch. It was hollow between the cushions and bottom, so one could easily fit in there, and would probably find numerous remote controls.
4. What's something unlikely but possible that you would like to find selling for cheap in a pawn shop? I'd like to find an original or special "ghost" edition Starscream figure.
5. What is something that you have found yourself laughing at recently? The endless stream of hilarious MSN convos I've been archiving for their eventual appearance on the site. Oh, and the TV commercials for ONG-BAK or GAK-BONG or BOK-NAG or whatever it is, the one with like twelve flying knee attacks in a 20 sec. trailer.
