Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Janet: Someone's eating. I can smell it.
Me: Yeah, I can smell it too.
Janet: It smells like stew or something.
Renee: Oh that's just me guys. When I get nervous, I smell like stew.
Janet: Is that chicken stew?
Renee: It depends on what kind of fear it is!

So back on December 15th, I commented how the Omega website hadn't been updated in ages. I estimated it would be March before it was next updated. Al said February, while Jenn and Nick guessed no more updates.

Well Al, it appears that you were correct. Or were you? Closer examination reveals that only the title page was updated. The stories and articles? Still the old ones from November. Some things never change, I guess.

Monday, February 06, 2006
So Shaun came to Vernon this weekend, he brought some awful good movies, including Waiting (which we only wanted to see because it had Dane Cook in it), DOOM, ...something else, and FRANKENFISH. We played games Friday night and watched Doom. It was not as bad as we had hoped, and the first-person scene we had heard all about was actually pretty cool. This doesn't mean it was a good movie. Ohhhh, no. It just wasn't a brutal movie.

That honor for this weekend goes to Frankenfish. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Saturday we were grabbing some lunch and spontaneously combusted decided to go on a small trip to Enderby. Then we changed our minds and decided to go to Kelowna instead. Then on the way we decided to check out Okanagan College (the college here in Vernon) and after being awed by its miniscule, one-building size, we decided to go down to the nearby lake/waterfront and check out the neighborhood there. So we cruised along for awhile, discussing how funny it was if we just drove off the dock into the water, and how hilarious it would be if some person was just sitting down in their living room enjoying their lakeside view and they saw the entire thing. Across the lake Shaun spotted an odd group of houses or large building (we couldn't tell what) that was all the same color. We had seen a sign for an inn, Ivashee Inn or something, and we figured that was it. But we decided to go check, so around the lake we went.

We got there and it was just a housing block. Very disappointing. But we figured that since we were over there, we might as well try to find this Ivashee Inn, especially since there were like four signs we had seen already with directions to it. After much random directions, and stopping to take a picture of a house because it had a) a tower built into the front of it, like a castle tower, and b) a giant porcelain shoe in the driveway, we found the Ivashee Inn. It was a SHITHOLE, TINY LITTLE PLACE. The frigging castle tower house was like three times as big.

After that we knew we weren't going to make it anywhere near Kelowna, so we drove around randomly once more, deciding which direction to turn at intersections by flipping a coin. At one point we turned onto this road by some farm lands and a bus started chasing us, going like 80 on a 40 km/hr road. It was bizarre. It was Braemar part II. Eventually we lost the Crazy Bus and continued on our directionless way.

For some time now, we had been discussing what we would do if Shaun suddenly became a billionaire. We settled on seven days of activity immediately following his influx of wealth, and recorded a special Deco & Vico segment about the seven days. (right-click to download the zip file, containing seven mp3 files)

After we got home, we grabbed some food and then played more games and watched the infamous Frankenfish. The cover is at least impressive:

But the movie was just brutal. The fish weren't NEARLY that size. Instead, they were like...the size of a large dog? A sheepdog maybe? I was very disappointed. There were some hilarious deaths though, and some of the most contrived and ridiculous plot twists. At one point the remaining "heroes" are on three houseboats. Houseboat A is on fire (owner dead), Houseboat B has all the people but Black Girl, who is on Houseboat C (owners both dead).

Science Girl is staring at the burning Houseboat A, and says "I know how we can get out of here! We just have to get to (Houseboat A)" Turns out Houseboat A didn't like that idea. Houseboat A is like "I DON'T THINK SO!" and the flames hit a shotgun lying on the deck, which goes off and shoots Science Girl in the head. Everyone freaks out, Black Girl is like "What's going on??" and Houseboat A is like "OH I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT'S GOING ON!" and the flames hit a propane tank, which explodes, rockets through the air OVER Houseboat B, and lands in Houseboat C, lighting it on fire. I was speechless at this point in the movie, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

However, it permanently notched a mark in my memory at the very end. After polishing off the biggest, baddest fish, the hero and black girl, covered in fish gore, look at each other. Hero goes "You look great for a girl covered in giant fish brains."


edit: Almost forgot. During Frankenfish (which we watched at like 4:30 am Sunday morning) Shaun started dozing off near the end, and started thinking that the characters speaking in the movie was actually ME talking. He actually started having a discussion with "me" (one of the characters in the movie) about how some of the people in the movie were dicks. It was highly amusing to watch, once one got past the initial confusion of "what the hell is he talking about?"
